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Your Local Press Offices

If you are a journalist or media professional, please feel free to contact our press offices.

Local Express Contact

Corporate Communications DHL Chile

Pamela Duque
External Communications, DHL Express Americas
Phone: +1 954 614 6809

For shipment related questions, please call: 0810 1223 345
The press office can unfortunately not help you solving these questions.

Daniel McGrath
Head of Communications, Sustainability & Brand Americas

Local Logistics Contact

Corporate Communications DHL Chile

DHL Global Forwarding Americas

Constanza Gantes
External Communications, DHL Global Forwarding Americas
Phone: +56 9 50140492

Corporate Communications DHL Supply Chain Americas

Gabriela Gaona Martinez
External Communications, DHL Supply Chain Latin America
Telephone: +52 55 46087376

Global Press Office

To contact a press expert from our Global offices, please visit our Global site for a full listing of contacts.