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Authorize DHL Freight to Delivery Your Shipment Without Signature

By filling in and submitting the form here below, you will authorize DHL Freight to deliver a shipment at your address without signature (Proof Of Delivery).

If you are not sure whether your shipment is delivered by DHL Freight, please make sure that your booking number meets one of the conditions here below:

  • Numeric only with a length of 11 digits (e.g. 00123456789)
  • Starts with two or three letters followed by a hyphen (-), another two or three letters, a hyphen (-), and seven numbers (e.g., ABC-DE-1234567)

If your booking number doesn't match one of these, your shipment may be delivered by DHL Express.

Contact DHL Express about a delivery

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Submit Your Request

Please add Booking Number

Please add receivers name

Please enter a preference

Please specify

Please tick to confirm that you accept DHL Freight can leave this specific shipment as instructed without a signature and at your own risk.

Forms Summary