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DHL Finland’s switchboard number to change at the end of the year

December 17, 2024

DHL Finland’s common switchboard number will change. As of December 31, 2024, the new number will be +358 (0)20 533 300.

DHL’s current common switchboard number 020 5333 and the separate number for DHL Global Forwarding, 020 53311, will not be available in the future.

You can reach DHL Freight, DHL Global Forwarding, and DHL Supply Chain in Finland through the new number. If you would like to contact DHL Express Finland, please call +358 (0)30 45 345.

DHL Freight customer service

DHL Freight Finland’s customer service team is available at +358 (0)20 345 345 as usual. The customer service hours from Monday till Friday are 8.00-17.00. However, during the working days from December 23 to January 3, exceptional service hours 8.00-16.00 apply.