All the moves Lennart spent days and even months planning for take place at night. The freight is packed in containers, traveling by road or rail between 6:00 pm and 5:00 am.
On heavy-traffic days, 500,000 parcels are not uncommon. Lennart and his team must ensure that some 250 containers, also known as swap bodies, are available to handle that volume and in the right locations. A swap body is a modular, detachable freight container designed to be easily transferred between trucks, trains, and ships. Lennart typically books 12 trains on the weekends and another 20 during the peak season spike, bringing the total number of swap bodies in circulation to over 1,500.
Before you attempt to put this puzzle together, you need to know approximately how many pieces you will have. Only then can you ensure that the right vehicles are in the right place at the right time.
“Preparations for peak season have basically been underway since the beginning of the year,” says Lennart. “That’s when we’re already purchasing capacities from our freight forwarding partners.”
While product returns are still coming in January, many retailers, for example, start crunching the numbers for the coming end-of-the-year holiday shopping season. Based on forecasts, they can take advantage of ocean freight savings and start moving peak-season moneymakers to the right places in June. Once October rolls around, the game is on, and our parcel centers in Germany and many places worldwide start to ramp up and run at full capacity until Christmas.