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Press Release: Hong Kong, September 17, 2021

The average rate will increase by 4.9%

DHL Express, the world’s leading international express services provider, announced a price increase today that will take effect on January 1, 2022. Compared to 2021, the average increase in Hong Kong and Macau will be 4.9 %.

Prices are adjusted on an annual basis by DHL Express, taking into consideration inflation and currency dynamics as well as administrative costs related to regulatory and security measures. These measures are being regularly updated by national and international authorities in each of the more than 220 countries and territories that DHL Express serves. Depending on local conditions, price adjustments will vary from country to country, and will apply to all customers where contracts allow. The adjustment also allows the company to further invest in its infrastructure network and strengthen the resilience against crises and provide the needed capacity growth due to rising customer demands.

“We are always striving to deliver excellence to our customers and thus are investing regularly to expand and enhance our services while ensuring that their business can continue even in times of global crises,” said Chee Choong Ng, Senior Vice President and Managing Director, DHL Express Hong Kong and Macau. “With the annual price adjustment, we are able to invest in our infrastructure and technology to ensure resilient, sustainable and best-in-class customer solutions. This includes state-of-the art aircraft and vehicles as well as the expansion of our hubs and gateways to increase capacity as demand for the fastest possible cross-border shipping continues to grow. We will also increase our use of sustainable aviation fuels, ensure all our new buildings are climate-neutral, offer a comprehensive portfolio of green products and electrify our last-mile delivery fleet to make positive contributions to the environment.”

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