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Contact DHL eCommerce About A Shipment

Many of the answers you need may be found immediately in our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

Also, only your sender or online shop can provide you a tracking number or answer questions about why a tracking number isn’t showing movement yet.

For other questions, please take a moment to fill out this quick form to reach our customer service team.

If you are an e-commerce seller looking to discuss purchasing services from DHL eCommerce, please contact our shipping experts.

All fields required

Your contact information

Please enter your first name

Please enter your last name.

Please enter your email address.

Please enter country/region

Please enter Tracking/Shipment Number

Please describe your question or problem as specifically as possible

If you would like to learn more about how DHL uses your personal data, please read our privacy notice.

Forms Summary

You can also contact our  customer service at + 49 228 92 95 95 95 (English and French speaking only)

Please note that general customer service will be closed on public holidays.