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COVID-19 has turned out to be the largest public health emergency for 100 years. But with current vaccinations outpacing infection rates by a factor of ten – and the production-to-injection timeframe being as fast as two days – logistics and supply-chain have played a vital role in managing the pandemic. This white paper takes one step back and sheds light into what the sector has learned from the race against COVID-19 to be best prepared to handle public health emergencies in the future.

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The Race Against the Virus: What We’ve Learned One Year Into Covid-19

Logistics and supply chain management play a key role in pandemic management because they ensure the availability and distribution of key pandemic management tools. This paper takes stock of the lessons learned and achievements one year into the race against COVID-19 and refreshes our view on how to best manage the crisis from this point forward. Moreover, it provides insight as to what will best prepare us to handle future public health emergencies.

Collaboration Is the Key to Global Vaccine Distribution

Together, we hope the answers to these questions support the continued dialogue between governments, pharmaceutical manufacturers, life sciences institutes, and the logistics industry, as these are the players that – with their collective power – will need to prepare for and manage the inevitable next public health event.

A Race We All Have to Win

With the lessons learned and the partnerships and capabilities built over the last 12 months, countries now have a wealth of tools and insights at their disposal. Another global health event may be inevitable, but we don’t have to trip over the same hurdles that held us back in 2020. With the right systems in place, the global community will be in a position to start on much better footing and meet the next challenge in a way that minimizes the impact on human lives and the global economy.

Revisiting Pandemic Resilience

The race against the virus: What we’ve learned one year into COVID-19 and how the world’s healthcare supply chains will be ready for the next public health emergency.