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Case Study: Expertise Solves Oversize Shipment Challenge

Customer: 43South

This wholesaler of high-quality pumping, filtration, and water movement equipment, serves agriculture sector customer across New Zealand. They import more than 350 Cubic Meters each year with weekly sailing.

LCL Ocean Freight


From Germany, US, China, Taiwan and Australia

Shipping Origins

Engineering and Manufacturing


43South wanted to improve…
  • Consistent stock level as a start up
  • Cost managements – cargo is heavy and dense, so costly to move by air
Our solution included…
  • DHL Ocean LCL direct services from Australia, Germany and US into New Zealand
  • Moving cargo in DHL controlled own box wherever possible
  • Dedicated Customer Service to assist with management of freight movements myDHLi for visibility
43South realizes benefits including…
  • Cost Savings vs. Air Freight
  • Ability to consistently serve their customer needs
  • CO₂ reduction

What 43South Has to Say

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