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Accelerating the Pace of Digital Transformation

The rise of e-commerce requirements (faster delivery, more SKUs and increased order picking), combined with labor shortages across regions and sectors, indicates fast adoption of technology is more necessary that ever. At DHL Supply Chain, we have developed an accelerated digitization program to nurture and deploy innovative technology solutions at scale.

  • Identify and manage future relevant key technologies pipeline
  • Develop ideas into concepts
  • Assessment criterion based on technology maturity, desirability and feasibility
  • Boost technologies’ digital journey to become a standard and scalable product
  • Productized along an 8-step process
  • Guide on how to deploy and use technologies
Regional Deployment
  • Maximize the application across all operations and business opportunities
  • Regional site profiling to find operations with the highest potential benefits
  • Sprint approach to a roll-out of innovation, operations’ toolset and processes

Specific Services and Capabilities

Trend Radar

We investigate social, business and technology trends to understand which ideas, in our organization as well as externally are the most promising ones to be tested in one of our operations (PoC). We are looking for opportunities in:

  • Warehousing
  • Transport
  • Back-office

If we can't find it on the market, we will co-create. The objective of Incubation is to find ways to leverage the value of digital solutions developed internally to design and build an efficient and sustainable business model. Recent accelerated digitization examples include:

  • Digital Manufacturing - packing line
Knowledge Sharing

Once available and ready for deployment, the regional deployment teams begin implementation and scale it to multiple operations. The team ensures each product in the catalogue includes:

  • Fit Assessment
  • Health & Safety aspects
  • End User manual and more

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