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Contact DHL eCommerce Sales and Business Support

Whether you are interested in getting started with us or are a current business customer with a service question, our DHL eCommerce Sales and Business Support Teams can help.

Interested in getting a quote or pricing? Fill out our quick request form for the most timely response.

Business Hours

Monday - Friday: 8 am - 9 pm ET*

*Please note that Customer Service will be closed on U.S. public holidays.

DHL eCommerce Contact Number

Schedule a Pick-Up / Order Supplies

Corporate Headquarters

DHL eCommerce
2700 South Commerce Parkway
Suite 300
Weston, FL 33331

Need help with a shipment that is en route?

Let’s get you over to our Tracking and Customer Service areas. Once there, simply enter your tracking number and we’ll help you find the information you need.