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Legal Notice

Company name:
Deutsche Post AG

Represented by the Board of Management:
Dr. Tobias Meyer, Chairman
Oscar de Bok
Pablo Ciano 
Nikola Hagleitner
Melanie Kreis
Dr. Thomas Ogilvie
John Pearson
Tim Scharwath

Chairman of the Supervisory Board:
Dr. Nikolaus von Bomhard

Commercial Register No:
Registration court Bonn HRB 6792

Turnover Tax ID No.:
DE 169838187

Charles-de-Gaulle-Straße 20
53113 Bonn
Tel. +49 (0) 228-18 20

Press contact information:
Contact form of the press office

Supervisory Authority

according to § 5 (1) No. 3 German Digital Services Act for mail transportation up to 1000 gram:
Bundesnetzagentur für Elektrizität, Gas, Telekommunikation, Post und Eisenbahnen (BNetzA)

Tulpenfeld 4, 53113 Bonn

Tel.: +49 / (0) 228 / 14-0


Local Company Information

Local Company Information Express

DHL Express (Czech Republic) s.r.o.
Nádražní 2967/93, Moravská Ostrava, 702 00 Ostrava
ID Number: 25683446

Registered in commercial register at Regional court in Ostrava, file C 27002

Legal Information Division Supply Chain

DHL Supply Chain, s.r.o.
Pohořelice, Loděnická 963, ZIP 69123, Czech Republic
ID No.: 49240650
Registered in the Commercial register of the regional court in Brno, C. 43542

DHL Solutions k.s.
Ostrava, Nádražní 2967/93, ZIP 702 00, Czech Republic
ID No.: 28213866
Registered in the Commercial register of the regional court in Brno, A. 20956

DHL Automotive s.r.o.
Nepřevázka 153, ZIP 293 01, Czech Republic
ID No.: 25634917
Registered in the Commercial register of the municipal court in Prague, C. 56691

Local Company Information Global Forwarding

DHL Global Forwarding (CZ), s.r.o.
Na Strži 1702/65, 140 62 Praha 4
ID No.: 27112161
Registered in the Commercial register of the municipal court in Prague, C. 97131

In case of consumer dispute between us and the customer, which is not resolved by mutual agreement, consumer can file a petition for judicial resolution of such disputes body designated court settlement of consumer disputes which is: Česká obchodní inspekce, Ústřední inspektorát - oddělení ADR, Štěpánská 15, 120 00 Praha 2, email:, web:

The consumer is also able to use the European Commission’s Online Dispute Resolution platform, which can be found at the following address: