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Surcharges related to road freight transports

Fuel surcharge for groupage shipments with products DHL Freight EuroConnect Domestic, DHL Freight EuroConnect International and DHL Freight Eurapid for December 2024 is set at 10,64%.

Fuel Surcharge

DHL Freight regularly adjusts the level of surcharges according to developments in the road haulage market. 

The amount of the fuel surcharge is still calculated from statistical data published by the European Commission, DG Energy and Transport, in the Petroleum bulletin data: CZECHIA, Gas oil automobile Automotive gas oil Dieselkraftstoff (II), 1000l...(price with taxes) 

Oil bulletin issued by the European Commission, DG Energy and Transport.

Fuel Surcharge History 2024

Month  %
January 12.26 % 
February 11.76 %
March 13.35 %
April 13.83 %
May 14.38 %
June 13.17 %
July 11.76 %
August 12.29 %
September 11.52 %
October 9.91 %
November 10.23 %
December 10.64 %


Fuel Surcharge History 2023

Month  %
January 15.22 % 
February 14.67 %
March 14.54 %
April 11.16 %
May 10.10 %
June 7.56 %
July 7.42 %
August 10.00 %
September 12.76 %
October 14.48 %
November 15.28 %
December 14.38 %


Fuel Surcharge History 2022

Month  %
April 18.70 % 
May 20.40 %
June 19.96 %
July 20.35 %
August 21.18 %
September 18.56 %
October 19.16 %
November 19.94 %
December 19.58 %


Crisis Fuel Surcharge History

Crisis fuel surcharge (KPP) for full truck shipments with products DHL Freight Euroline International and DHL Freight Euroline Domestic is not applicable since 28.2.2023 until further notice.