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Your Local Press Offices

If you are a journalist or media professional, please feel free to contact our press offices.

Local Express Contact

Shipping & tracking information at Customer Service line: 220 300 111 or 840 103 000

Corporate Communications DHL Czech Republic

DHL Express (Czech Republic) s.r.o.
Bucharova 2641/14
158 00 Praha 5

Local Logistics Contact

Corporate Communications DHL Czech Republic

DHL Supply Chain - Press Office

Zděbradská 67 
251 01 Jažlovice 
Czech Republic
Phone: +420 323 612 040
Fax: +420 323 612 113 
Mobile: +420 733 162 861

DHL Global Forwarding - Press Office 

Na Strži 65/1702 
140 62 Praha 4 - Pankrác
Phone: +420 261 198 757
Mobile: +420 733 163 148
Fax.: +420 261 198 729

Global Press Office

To contact a press expert from our Global offices, please visit our Global site for a full listing of contacts.