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Document and Parcel Shipping Options

If you are looking to immediately ship a document and parcel from Germany, we have two divisions that work with all types of shippers needing to make spot or ad hoc shipments and more.

DHL Express

Fast, Door-to-Door, Courier Delivered

Expedited Shipping

1+ working days

International and Domestic

Delivery to 220+ countries and territories

Shipments up to 70 kg

Heavier shipments available on request

With a team of more than 100,000 Certified International Specialists, no other provider knows the world like we do.

  •  On Demand Delivery - flexible delivery options
  • Unrivaled customs know-how to keep your shipments moving swiftly
  • Money-back guarantee on select services

Deutsche Post and DHL Paket

Standard parcel delivery in Germany, Europe and across the world 

Shipments within Germany

Delivery usually in 1 working day

International Shipments

To more than 220 countries and territories worldwide

Shipments up to 31.5 KG

Larger shipments available for German addresses upon request

Deutsche Post and DHL Parcel transport letters and parcels in Germany. Deutsche Post is a specialist in dialogue marketing, for the distribution of press products and in overall solutions for corporate communications.

  • Germany's leading postal and parcel service provider for small and large shipments
  • Nationwide postal and parcel network  
  • End-to-end dialogue marketing solutions for new and existing customers
  • Sustainable shipping options with GoGreen and GoGreen Plus

Are You A Volume Business Shipper Looking For E-Commerce Options?

Check out what these two divisions offer for e-commerce support