On the Move for the Good Cause
At the DHL Hub Leipzig the slogan is “AS ONE” because together the LEJ team masters every challenge. This counts for the work in the terminals or on the apron but also beyond.

In the past weeks and months colleagues of the hub were involved in various projects in order to raise awareness for cancer and cancer prevention:
Already for a couple of years hobby rowers of the DHL Hub take part in the regatta “Rudern gegen Krebs”. In the race in Magdeburg they were especially successful because one team won the first place. In total 19 DHL rowers supported with their sportive commitment during practices and regattas the foundation “Leben mit Krebs” and the Tumor Center Magdeburg. Not to forget the many colleagues who support the rowers from the shore.

During the first virtual LEJ Hub Run in September the focus was not only to be actively on the run but also to collect money for a good cause. Within three weeks colleagues have mastered over 5,000 kilometers. This equals the distance from Leipzig to Dubai. Also Yvonne Seidel, Supervisor on the apron, took part in the LEJ Hub run. “This was a great possibility. Even though a big run together was not possible this year, we still run together virtually. This was a great feeling.”
For the run distance the LEJ Hub donated 10,000 Euros to the charity organization “Haus Leben e.V.” that engages for people with cancer and their relatives. “We are really happy about this great donation. It is always something special for us when the money is raised by one’s engagement such as the kilometers run by colleagues during the LEJ Hub Run. Thank you”, emphasizes Michaela Bax, deputy president of Haus Leben e.V. With the money the organization will expand its prevention and aftercare as well as the course offer for people with cancer. A part of the donation will support also the “Friesenest”, an offer for children with a parent with cancer.

At the end of the campaign, a charity bike tour took place in October. The starting point was the hub, then the cyclists crossed the Auwald and finally the goal was reached - the Leipzig cycling track. -Annett Berger