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Pink Shoe Day in Leipzig

A (pink) sign against breast cancer

Pink shoes on the aircraft fin at the DHL Hub in Leipzig

Every year over 75,000 men and women in Germany are diagnosed with breast cancer. To draw attention to this, the “Haus Leben e.V.” association launched the “Pink Shoe Day” eight years ago. Since then, pink shoes have been regularly displayed all over Leipzig at the end of September. This initiative supports the work of the association at its locations in Leipzig and Delitzsch, where over 2,000 cancer patients and the children of parents with cancer are cared for every year. Since breast cancer is still largely a taboo subject in public, more attention is to be paid to those affected and their relatives with the Pink Shoe Day.

Drawing attention.

For the first time, DHL took part in this campaign this year. Over 500 pink or pink painted shoes were symbolically placed on the aircraft fin at the DHL Hub in Leipzig. From high heels to sneakers to boots. Every single shoe symbolizes the path that begins for the patients after they have been diagnosed with breast cancer.

In addition, the Leipzig hub supported the Haus Leben association with a sponsorship. Philippe Bauer, Labor Director and Managing Director of the DHL Hub Leipzig presented the check for 1,500 euros to Michaela Bax, the association's deputy chairwoman, at the official start of the campaign. "We are pleased that we can send such a strong signal and support the important work of Haus Leben ”, said Philippe Bauer after handing over the check.

Philippe Bauer, Labor Director at DHL Hub Leipzig, hands over the sponsoring check to Michaela Bax, deputy chairwoman of the Haus Leben e.V.

The pink shoes are on display at the hub in Leipzig for the entire month of October, the DHL group-wide “Breast Cancer Awareness Month”, in order to raise awareness of the topic. - Katharina Rothe

Learn more about the pink shoe day at: