Surcharges related to road freight transports
On this page you will find information about DHL fuel surcharges applied in road freight transports.
Fuel Surcharge
Fuel Surcharge amount starting from 01 December 2024 is 7,00%
Due to the heavy increase in the fuel prices we are obliged to recover parts of this cost rise. We will have to charge a variable fuel surcharge on our Euroconnect and Eurapid services.
The add-on in percentage is adjusted monthly, based on the average rate of the four weeks between the 15th each month.
Fuel Surcharge History
Month | 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 |
January | 11,00% | 14,00% | 6,50% | |
February | 9,50% | 11,5% | 6,00% | |
March | 9,00% | 12,00% | 7,00% | |
April | 10,5% | 11,00% | 8,00% | |
May | 10,0% | 10,00% | 15,50% | |
June | 10,0% | 9,00% | 14,00% | |
July | 9,00% | 7,50% | 14,00% | |
August | 8,50% | 7,50% | 16,50% | |
September | 9,00% | 8,00% | 15,50% | |
October | 8,00% | 10,5% | 13,50% | |
November | 6,50% | 12,00% | 14,00% | |
December | 7,00% | 12,00% |
15,00% |
Crisis Fuel Surcharge
Let us inform you that due to a dramatic and unpredictable development of diesel prices as a significant cost item in the total transport price we are introducing a temporary "Crisis Fuel Surcharge".
This surcharge will be charged from 16.03.2022 to the current rates for all domestic and international road transport products.
Crisis Fuel Surcharge amount remains at 10,00% and will be updated if changes occur.
Reference source: governmental regulated base price was 1,297 eur/liter.
The share of the cost item "Fuel - diesel" in the price of transportation, ie 33%, is taken into account for the calculation of the surcharge.
The surcharge is announced once a week, always on Mondays, according to the value of the diesel price for the previous day.
The announced surcharge is valid from Tuesday to Monday of the following week.
CFS will be listed on the website
The value of the surcharge is minimum +10,0% (until further decision).
Crisis Fuel Surcharge History
Time | % | The basic reference value for the calculation EUR/liter |
07.11-13.11.2023 | 10,0% | 1,7499 |
31.10-06.11.2023 | 10,0% | 1,76303 |
24.10-30.10.2023 | 10,0% | 1,75746 |
17.10-23.10.2023 | 10,0% | 1,77297 |
10.10-16.10.2023 | 10,0% | 1,79586 |
03.10-09.10.2023 | 10,0% | 1,79586 |
26.09-02.10.2023 | 10,0% | 1,78734 |
19.09-25.09.2023 | 10,0% | 1,75391 |
12.09-18.09.2023 | 10,0% | 1,73957 |
05.09-11.09.2023 | 10,0% | 1,72742 |
29.08-04.09.2023 | 10,0% | 1,71846 |
23.08-28.08.2023 | 10,0% | 1,7159 |
15.08-22.08.2023 | 10,0% | 1,68932 |
08.08-14.08.2023 | 10,0% | 1,64166 |
01.08-07.08.2023 | 10,0% | 1,59821 |
25.07-31.07.2023 | 10,0% | 1,58955 |
18.07-24.07.2023 | 10,0% | 1,57226 |
11.07-17.07.2023 | 10,0% | 1,56841 |
04.07-10.07.2023 | 10,0% | 1,57263 |
27.06-03.07.2023 | 10,0% | 1,55544 |
20.06-26.06.2023 | 10,0% | 1,55228 |
12.06-19.06.2023 | 10,0% | 1,53989 |
06.06-12.06.2023 | 10,0% | 1,54055 |
30.05-05.06.2023 | 10,0% | 1,53532 |
23.05-29.05.2023 | 10,0% | 1,53576 |
16.05-22.05.2023 | 10,0% | 1,54914 |
09.05.-15.05.2023 | 10,0% | 1,58326 |
02.05-08.05.2023 | 10,0% | 1,61236 |
25.04-01.05.2023 | 10,0% | 1,64551 |
18.04-24.04.2023 | 10,0% | 1,6518 |
11.04-17.04.2023 | 10,0% | 1,64672 |
04.04-10.04.2023 | 10,0% | 1,65991 |
28.03-03.04.2023 | 10,0% | 1,66948 |
21.03-27.03.2023 | 10,0% | 1,69554 |
14.03-20.03.2023 | 10,0% | 1,70059 |
07.03-13.03.2023 | 10,0% | 1,69355 |
28.02-06.03.2023 | 10,0% | 1,71316 |
21.02-27.02.2023 | 10,0% | 1,7245 |
14.02-20.02.2023 | 10,0% | 1,76145 |
07.02-13.02.2023 | 10,1% | 1,8016 |
31.01-06.02.2023 | 10,0% | 1,78811 |
24.01-30.01.2023 | 10,0% | 1,77185 |
17.01-23.01.2023 | 10,0% | 1,77286 |
10.01-16.01.2023 | 10,0% | 1,7598 |
03.01-09.01.2023 | 10,0% | 1,72255 |
27.12.22-02.01.2023 | 10,0% | 1,72757 |
20.12-26.12.2022 | 10,0% | 1,72924 |
13.12-19.12.2022 | 10,0% | 1,78288 |
06.12-12.12.2022 | 10,3% | 1,80866 |
29.11-05.12.2022 | 11,1% | 1,8513 |
22.11-28.11.2022 | 11,6% | 1,88981 |
15.11-21.11.2022 | 12,7% | 1,93901 |
08.11-14.11.2022 | 13,0% | 1,96251 |
01.11-07.11.2022 | 13,5% | 1,97351 |
25.10-31.10.2022 | 13,3% | 1,97055 |
18.10-24.10.2022 | 12,0% | 1,90182 |
11.10-17.10.2022 | 10,3% | 1,81322 |
04.10-10.10.2022 | 10,2% | 1,80638 |
27.09-03.10.2022 | 10,8% | 1,83615 |
20.09-26.09.2022 | 11,7% | 1,89411 |
13.09-19.09.2022 | 12,1% | 1,90887 |
06.09.-12.09.2022 | 12,2% | 1,91125 |
30.08.-05.09.2022 | 10,5% | 1,82651 |
23.08.-29.08.2022 | 10,1% | 1,80416 |
16.08.-22.08.2022 | 10,7% | 1,830.72 |
09.08.-15.08.2022 | 11,5% | 1,878.5 |
02.08.-08.08.2022 | 12% | 1,902.47 |
26.07.-01.08.2022 | 12,63% | 1,93661 |
19.07.-25.07.2022 | 12,92% | 1,95211 |
12.07.-18.07.2022 | 13,74% | 1,99726 |
05.07.-11.07.2022 | 14,5% | 2,0361 |
28.06.-04.07.2022 | 14,4% | 2,0313 |
21.06.-27.06.2022 | 13,4% | 1,981.13 |
14.06.-20.06.2022 | 12,1% | 1,908.25 |
07.06.-13.06.2022 | 11,2% | 1,85697 |
31.05.- 06.06.2022 | 11,2% | 1,8562 |
24.05.- 30.05.2022 | 11,5% | 1,877.52 |
17.05.- 23.05.2022 | 12,1% | 1,9057 |
10.05.- 16.05.2022 | 11,6% | 1,882.04 |
03.05.- 09.05.2022 | 11,2% | 1,8613 |
26.04.- 02.05.2022 | 10,2% | 1,80704 |
19.04.- 25.04.2022 | 10,2% | 1,80704 |
12.04.- 18.04.2022 | 11,2% | 1,86114 |
05.04.-11.04.2022 | 13% | 1,96153 |
29.03.-04.04.2022 | 12,7% | 1,93945 |
22.03.-28.02.2022 | 14,3% | 2,02795 |
16.03.-21.03.2022 | 10% | 1,79297 |