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Auto-Mobility Supply Chain Risk Mitigation

We offer flexible, agile and adaptable solutions to secure supply chains

Auto-Mobility supply chains are not immune to disruption and so Auto-Mobility companies must prioritize maximizing flexibility, agility, adaptability, and digital visibility across their global logistics network.

We provide our partners with access to our innovative strategies, systems, and data analytics. We can predict, assess, and mitigate supply chain disruptions and provide vital support, from sourcing capacity and components to rapid rerouting.

Supply Chain Tracking and Monitoring

Guaranteed Access to Capacity

Logistics Networks Optimization

Agile Multi-Modal Capability

Labor and Skilled Resources

Sustainable Logistics

Mitigating Auto-Mobility Supply Chain Issues

DHL provides a comprehensive range of services and support to bring you better supply chain risk mitigation strategies based on our experience and commitment to logistics innovation. 

With potential disruptions ever-present, the Auto-Mobility sector also has the option to outsource its supply chain management to DHL. As your logistics partner, we can take care of all aspects of risk mitigation. See more below.

Risk Management

DHL offers specialist, customer-focused risk evaluation and management services based on supply chain visibility, advanced multi-source data and the provision of case-specific consultancy to mitigate sourcing and delivery disruptions within the Auto-Mobility sector.

Supply Chain Visibility

Through technology and data partnerships, DHL Auto-Mobility supports customers in establishing end-to-end supply chain visibility to anticipate risks and mitigate disruptions caused by component shortages, natural disasters, trade wars, regulatory pressure, and cybersecurity challenges.

Component Multisourcing

Sourcing hard-to-find components, especially semiconductor-based items, from multiple Auto-Mobility suppliers throughout the supply chain can effectively mitigate risk and maintain automotive manufacturing productivity. DHL helps by creating, wherever possible, diverse supplier networks focused on closer-to-home solutions.

Everstream Analytics

Through our partnership with Everstream Analytics, DHL uses advanced AI to capture, rationalize, and synthesize data to deliver risk scoring and predictive insights to anticipate problems and inform customers. We reduce supply chain disruptions before they cause significant financial losses or long-lasting reputational damage.

Collaborations and Partnerships Network

DHL has a global network of partners and Innovation Centers always looking for new and relevant solutions to ensure that customers can rely on a supply chain built on integrated data sharing and flexible capacity. This collaboration is essential to mitigating disruption and minimizing risk through visibility, resilience, and agility.

Capacity Sourcing

As the world’s largest logistics company, DHL is well positioned to source additional transportation capacity for our customers, particularly at a time when available shipping volumes have decreased. The strength of our infrastructure means we can always find capacity when needed most.

Global and Local Knowledge

Auto-Mobility organizations must continuously monitor and evaluate the world’s most disruptive events. DHL's global logistics network can provide a combination of worldwide intelligence and local knowledge to support our customers and effectively manage supply chain risks.

Just-in-Time to Just-in-Case

Recent global events have clearly demonstrated the risk of relying solely on just-in-time supply chains. DHL works closely with the Auto-Mobility sector to create lean and optimised just-in-case inventory systems to ensure continuous manufacturing in the event of component availability disruption.

Supporting You in Risk Mitigation

Lead Logistics Partner

Appointing DHL as your Lead Logistics Partner is the most cost-effective way to add flexibility, resilience, and improved performance to an Auto-Mobility supply chain. An LLP will act as a catalyst, instigating and delivering change across your supply chain, meeting your business challenges and creating a core competitive advantage. As a leader in logistics partnerships, DHL has developed a comprehensive service offering that focuses on design, management services, operations and continuous improvement. Explore DHL Supply Chain's Lead Logistics Capabilities


Everstream Analytics

Everstream evolved from DHL’s own supply chain visibility and risk assessment programs and is an integrated corporate partner. Using AI-based models and human analysis, Everstream captures, rationalizes, and synthesizes data from proprietary, paid, and open sources. The outcome is predictive analytics and insights to forecast disruptions and reduce risk to achieve better results based on business-specific needs. Learn More About Everstream Analytics Capabilities

Explore Our Case Studies

We are committed to supporting and advancing the future of mobility and logistics. Please take a look at our Auto-Mobility case studies below to see our solutions in action. Review more Auto-Mobility case studies