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The DHL Fulfillment Network Goes Above and Beyond to Be a Sustainable Partner

We are innovators in sustainable growth, and our goal is simple – to radically reduce our carbon footprint while setting the highest social and governance standards.

Are you interested in scalable fulfillment? Then let’s get to business.

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A circle displaying three elements: green operations, highly trusted and great company.

Sustainability: it’s integrated at every level. It guides our overall strategy, and it shapes the sustainable solutions we bring to our customers.

Our programs started way back in 2003, so we’ve spent two decades thinking and acting as advocates for positive change.


vehicles with alternative driving systems


electricity from renewable sources


e-vehicles in pick-up and delivery by 2025

Creating sustainable value for tomorrow, today

Our ESG approach can empower your own sustainability journey through the ESG commitments of our Sustainability Roadmap.

With our focus on creating sustainable value for tomorrow, today, you can rest assured you’re working with a responsible logistics partner that will enable you to:

Advance your supply chain operation with clean, green and safe solutions to help you achieve your environmental targets.

Work alongside our active workforce where colleagues feel successful in their lives and careers, with passion for delivery and pride in what they do.

Protect brand integrity for you and your customers, ensuring transparent and compliant business practices to create long term value.

A cutout of the globe.

Clean operations for climate protection

DHL motorcycle using green technologies making a delivery.

Every product has a waste, energy and CO2e footprint – and so does yours. The proportion that is contributed by logistics can be significant.

That's why we work together with you to design, implement and scale solutions to reduce our environmental impact.

Our goals on the path to climate-neutral logistics by 2050


share of sustainable fuels in road transport


e-vehicles for pick-up and delivery


design for all our own new buildings

We involve you too…

Sustainable business practices need to be spread.

So, if you’re a DHL customer, we can work with you to ensure that your transport and packaging meets all your requirements while using minimal resources.

See how we’re going green today

Photo collage showing solar panels, heat pumps, recycled cardboard, light sensors and compacted cardboard.

We’re taking immediate steps to reduce carbon emissions, cut waste and recycle wherever we can.

Installing solar panels (1) and heat pumps (2) reduces our usage of mains electricity. We also recycle cardboard extensively (3) and cut down on plastics.

We’re installing smart lighting systems (4) in our warehouses, with sensors that ensure lights are only switched on when they’re actually needed.

Waste reduction is also a priority, so we recycle as much spent materials as possible (5) to eliminate going to landfill.

We support a green supply chain

By helping our suppliers move towards carbon-neutral transport.

We invest in green transport

By supporting innovation in low/no-carbon alternatives to fossil fuels.

We offer training and define standards

So that our partners can adopt green transport practices as quickly as we do

A great company to work for all

DHL employees together with the Top Employee award logo and Respect & Results motto.

We continuously strive to provide a safe, inclusive and purpose-driven workplace rooted in our guiding principles of Respect and Results.

We deliver on our goals in a focused and disciplined way without compromising our integrity and compliance.

Our aims and objectives


employees trained in supply chain excellence

Top employer

award five years in a row


supervisors trained through our Certified Supervisory Academy


women in management roles at DHL Supply Chain

Diversity and inclusion are our strengths…

Woman with disabilities and man in a meeting setting.

We have a truly diverse workforce, with 179 different nationalities represented in our German locations alone. What’s more, we strive to build a culture that welcomes people on their ability, with zero tolerance for discrimination by gender, ethnicity, disability or sexual orientation/identity.

We promote an inclusive work environment, guided by mutual respect, openness, honesty and a spirit of trust and cooperation.

We promote our female colleagues

We have initiatives aligned to our 2025 target of 30% of our senior leadership globally filled by women.

We win awards for inclusive working

And we’re proud to have won the 2021 Inclusion for Business Award.

We support diversity worldwide

By providing a diversity and inclusion hub full of information and best practices.

A highly trusted company

A man presenting chart data.

Trust, transparency and compliance are integral to your business.

A robust ESG governance underpins our licence to operate and sets our foundation of integrity and compliant business practices to protect our shareholder's investments and your brand reputation.

Respect for human rights worldwide

Woman with a giant piece of paper and pen filling checkmarks.

Our Human Rights Policy Statement and management system ensure responsible business practices in our daily work as well as operations for our customers.

We aim for sustainability...

Through our aspiration to build sustainable and stable relationships using our Supplier Code of Conduct.

We respect local rights...

With our focus on supporting fair pay and collective bargaining.

Corporate citizenship

We strive for a consistent balance between ecology, economy and society, and our GoPrograms help us to do exactly that. Each region has its own programs. For example, in Germany we have worked hard to integrate refugees into the workplace, and have so far hired 17,000 refugees.

GoHelp logo.

Go Help: Disaster management

We work in cooperation with the United Nations to optimize logistics at airports in the wake of national disasters, all free of charge. We also offer aid and support, collaborating with the Red Cross and the World Food programme.

GoTeach logo.

Go Teach: Improving employability

Our employees support disadvantaged young people, giving them the skills they need to compete in the jobs market. In 2021, our program helped 15,700 young people in 62 countries.

GoGreen logo.

Go Green: Protecting the environment

Around the world, we work alongside our partners on ambitious environmental programs. We certify employees as Go Green Specialists, ensuring that our work in reforestation and protecting biodiversity has the biggest possible impact.

GoTrade logo.

Go Trade: Facilitating global trade

We share our commercial expertise with smaller companies in emerging economies. Our Go Trade program has now trained more than 600 employees in logistics, e-commerce and regulation to promote growth in countries where it’s needed most.

We believe in fair pricing for everyone

Try our pricing calculator to find out more.

Let’s cut your delivery times

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Happy man seated in a shopping cart

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