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Surcharges related to road freight transports

DHL Freight regularly evaluates the level of surcharges related to road freight transports. From this page you will find latest information over valid surcharges. 

  • Fuel Surcharge Netherlands - 21,00% (April 2025) 
  • Fuel Surcharge Europe - 9,00% (April 2025) 

Evolution of Fuel Surcharge Netherlands

For Road Freight products fuel surcharge table below applies. This is linked to the average European retail price of diesel fuel including levies and taxes (CE/EC/EG EUR 28 (IV)).  

Oil Bulletin issued by  the Directorate-General for Energy and Transport of the European Commission 








January 20,00% January  23,00% January 



20,00% February  21,50%  February







April  21,00% April  22.50%




May  22.00% May  27,50%




22.00% June  26,00%


July  21.00% July  26,00%


August  20,50% August  28,50%
September    September  21,00% September  27,50% 
October    October 20,00% October  25,50%


November  19,00% November  26,00%
December    December  19,00% December  27,00% 

Evolution of Fuel Surcharge Europe







January 7,00% January  11,00% January  14,00%
February  8,00% February  9,50% February  11,50%
March  9,00% March  9,00% March  12,00%


April  10.50% April  11,00%


May  10,00% May  10,00%


June  10.00% June  9,00%


July  9.00% July 7,50%


August  8,50% August  7,50%


9,00% September  8,00% 


October  8,00% October  10,50%



November  12,00%
December    December  7,00% December  12,00%

Currency Adjustment Factor (CAF) - For Customer Billed in EURs

On the 15th of each month, we will use the exchange rate published by European Central Bank to determine the CAF for the following month. 

To allow for a foreign currency to float freely against the Euro, DHL Freight applies a currency adjustment factor for certain countries. 

This involves import and export shipments to 2,500 kg (payable weight). As an average approximately 50% of our exposure is in local currency, with the remainder of our exposure is in Euros. 



 April (2025) 

  March (2025) 

  February (2025) 


12,50 %

14,20 %

14,20 %


6,00 %

6,00 %

4,60 %


0,00 %

0,00 %

0,00 %


0,00 %

0,00 %

0,00 %


0,60 %

2,00  %

0,60  %


0,00 %

0,00 %

0,00 %


0,00 %

0,00 %

0,00 %


0,00 %

0,00 %

0,00 %


0,00 %

0,00 %

0,00 %

Kilometer levy Belgium

Rates for transit from and to The Netherlands

  • France 2,85 % 
  • Portugal 2,85 % 
  • Spain 2,85 % 
  • Transport from and to Belgium 4,45 % 
  • Rates for transport within Belgium (domestic): +8.80% 

Given the fact that this involves a government levy, we will indicate this surcharge separately on the invoice. 

From on April 1st of 2016, Belgium will be imposing a kilometer levy for freight vehicles over 3.5 tons. 

This measure will be applied on highways and certain regional and local roads. Based on a simulation provided by the Institute of Transport and Logistics Belgium (ITLB), DHL Freight was able to calculate the impact of this toll, charged at our expense. These surcharges have already taken into account the disappearance of the Euro vignette in Belgium alone and a decrease in road tax.

Marpol (marine pollution)

EU SULPHUR DIRECTIVE (2012/33/EU) - DHL has analysed the different levies per shipping company and route for SECA zone shipments and determined the following surcharges:

  • Sweden 2,10 %

  • Finland 4,60 %

  • Norway 0,75 %

  • Estonia 2,50 %

  • UK & Ireland 2,00 %

From 1 January 2015 the EU Sulphur Directive 2012/33/EU became effective. This Directive which is based on Annex VI of the International Maritime Organisation’s Marine Pollution Convention (Marpol), provides specific rules for the SECA (Sulphur Emission Control Areas) zone being the Baltic Sea, the North Sea and the English Channel.

HU & PL Maut

DE Maut

A constant development within the transport sector are costs imposed by governments. Since 1 July 2018, the truck toll has applied to all federal trunk roads in Germany. The extension of the toll of 53,000 kilometers of motorways and main roads should help the German government to improve the financing of a modern, safe and efficient traffic infrastructure in Germany. As of January 1, 2019 the rates for vehicles with a gross weight of 7.5 tons or more will increase and have a high impact on the costs of road freight shipments. 

This affects the rates that DHL Freight charges you as a customer. We are forced to charge the German Maut as a surcharge. The calculation is based on the increase of 1 January 2019 in comparison with the German Maut on 1 July 2018. 

Peak Season Surcharge

Transport volumes fluctuate throughout the year. We are constantly confronted with decreasing productivity due to congestion, as well as capacity issues because of population ageing. Carriers charge DHL Freight extra during peak periods in order to guarantee their offer. Naturally, DHL Freight does its utmost to keep costs to a minimum, but depending on the developments, DHL Freight reserves the right to charge a Peak Season Surcharge.