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DHL eCommerce Customer Service

Whether you are receiving a shipment to your home or business, we want to help answer your questions about receiving or returning a shipment sent using DHL eCommerce.

Shipments in Norway

Does your shipment ID start with 3 or 4 letters followed by up to 20 numbers or include up to 20 numbers starting with 0037 or 0087?





If yes: please visit Posten for customer service

If no: please contact our DHL eCommerce Customer Service Team for assistance

Shipments Currently Outside of Norway

Tracking Help

To get started, please track your shipment with our Track and Trace service.

If you don’t receive any tracking results or have other questions, please contact our DHL eCommerce Customer Service Team for assistance.

Find Your Contact

In order to save you time and confusion, we need to get you to the right customer service team. Across Europe we work with a number of top-notch partners, who are there to help deliver your parcel when and how you want it. Answer a few quick questions to find the right contact.
Has your shipment arrived in Norway?

Additional Customer Service Help