How to Prepare a Claim
How do I prepare a claim form?
Observe that the form should only be used if you want to report a damage or missing items. If you have any questions regarding delays or losses, please contact DHL Freight Customer Service.
Once we have received your claim we will send a confirmation to your e-mail address. If we need additional information we will get back to you. To facilitate the process, we ask you to photograph the damage.
Please note: Hidden damages shall be reported to DHL as soon as possible, but not later than seven (7) days after the receipt of goods.
Any visible damage, missing or loss shall be reported immediately upon the receipt of the goods, and be noted on the transport document or in another document.
A claim invoice that’s received before the case has been approved will be contested and returned. To submit a claim to DHL Freight in Norway, visit our claim form.
If loss or damage occurs, where should I note the damage or loss?
- If goods are lost or damaged during transport and damage is externally visible, clearly note the waybill or transfer document with details of loss or damage when shipment is received
- If the loss or damage is not visible until packages are opened, make a written complaint to the carrier within 7 days of receipt of the goods
What information will I need to submit a claim?
Your claim may be submitted in any suitable format but it should include the following information:
- If you have purchased Cargo Insurance from DHL Freight, please provide invoice copy and proof of payment
- Identified transport event
- Transport reference
- Route (from where to where)
- Waybill copy
- When shipment was collected for transport
- When shipment was delivered (if applicable)
- Description of the damaged or lost goods
- Weight of damaged or lost part of goods (actual weight of the goods)
- How and by whom the damage was discovered
- Your contact details
- Photographs of the packaging and the damage to the goods, if possible before unloading when shipment is still in the transport unit (pictures should show damage and if possibly cause of such damage)
- Substantiated value including purchase costs, estimate for repair, etc.
Please provide this information and all enclosures to us within 7 days of receipt of the goods.
Further advice in case of damage
- Inspect the damaged goods and try to limit any further damages from occurring
- Consider how damage can best be repaired, if possible
- Reserve Insurers right/opportunity to inspect the damaged goods
- Store the damaged goods separately
- Store all packaging material
- Do not transport goods onwards