Truck Driver Safety
Contrary to popular belief, data shows that most crashes involving heavy trucks in the EU and the US occur during the day, in clear weather, and off highways. Still, that does not make driving at night, in acclimate weather, or on highways any less risky.
How do we make truck driving safer? It’s unfortunately one of the deadliest professions in major economies, with thousands of driver fatalities each year. It is difficult to imagine how someone can safely spend more than 10 hours a day behind the wheel, driving on endless freeways and congested city streets, dazzled by sunrises and high-beam headlights, and coping with all types of extreme weather. Many truck drivers do so daily without fail, but with many risks involved, incidences do unfortunately happen. Interestingly, it’s passenger vehicle drivers who cause a significant majority of truck road traffic accidents, but regardless of whose fault, the results can be devastating – expensive vehicle damage, a disrupted supply chain, and, most critically, an injury or even a death.
We’re not there yet with fully autonomous trucks on public roads; mass adoption is still years away. But we’ve already got great opportunities to improve truck driver health and safety. As such…
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