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Domestic or Transborder Rate Quote

If you have an urgent question, give us a call. Within the US and Canada: 800-426-5962

Are your items...

Please indicate if your shipping items on a pallet.

Please indicate if your shipping loose cartons.

Please indicate the items you are shipping.

Tell us about the size of your shipment

Please enter your shipment size.

Add another item
Shipment type

Please select the service level you would like.

Please select the shipping terms you would like.


Please indicate the date of your shipment (MM/DD/YYYY)

Forms Summary

Where is your shipment origin?

Please indicate your shipment's origin.

Please indicate the zip code of your shipment's origin.

Please indicate the shipment's origin's street name and number / PO box.

Please indicate the shipment's city of origin.

Where is your shipment destination?

Please indicate your shipment's destination.

Please indicate the zip code of the shipment's destination.

Please indicate the shipment's destination's street name and number / PO box.

Please indicate the shipements destionation city.

Forms Summary

Is there anything else you would like to tell us about your shipment?

Please indicate anything further you would like to add.

Do you know your commodity code?

Please indicate your commodity code.

Dangerous goods?

Please indicate if you have dangerous goods in your shipment.

If yes, please enter your UN and class numbers.

Please enter your UN Number

Please enter your Class number.

Please enter your Harmonized Codes.

Please identify any special instructions.

Are you interested in shipment value protection?

Please indicate if you would like shipment value protection.

Forms Summary

Now tell us about yourself

Please enter your first name.

Please enter your last name.

Please enter your company name.

Please select your sector

Please enter your email address.

Please enter your telephone number.

Please select your country/region.

Please enter your zip code.

Please indicate what your street name and number / PO box is.

Please indicate your city.

Please attach any relevant files:

Please attach any relevant files.

We may contact you for additional information if necessary.

Marketing options

Please check this box if you wish to receive promotional material from DHL.

If you would like to learn more about how DHL uses your personal data, please read our Privacy Notice

Forms Summary