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Legal Notice

Company name:
Deutsche Post AG

Represented by the Board of Management:
Dr. Tobias Meyer, Chairman
Oscar de Bok
Pablo Ciano 
Nikola Hagleitner
Melanie Kreis
Dr. Thomas Ogilvie
John Pearson
Tim Scharwath

Chairman of the Supervisory Board:
Dr. Nikolaus von Bomhard

Commercial Register No:
Registration court Bonn HRB 6792

Turnover Tax ID No.:
DE 169838187

Charles-de-Gaulle-Straße 20
53113 Bonn
Tel. +49 (0) 228-18 20

Press contact information:
Contact form of the press office

Supervisory Authority

according to § 5 (1) No. 3 German Digital Services Act for mail transportation up to 1000 gram:
Bundesnetzagentur für Elektrizität, Gas, Telekommunikation, Post und Eisenbahnen (BNetzA)

Tulpenfeld 4, 53113 Bonn

Tel.: +49 / (0) 228 / 14-0


Local Masthead

DHL Express (Austria) GmbH

Viaduktstraße 20
2353 Guntramsdorf
0800-550505 (free of charge from Austrian networks)
International: +43 7221/201 - 5000

Registered Office: Guntramsdorf
Company Register: FN 75092f
Registration Court: LG Wiener Neustadt
Legal Form: Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung
Value Added Tax Identification Number (UID-Nr.): ATU19169502

DHL Paket (Austria) GmbH

Campus 21
Liebermannstrasse F08/401
2345 Brunn am Gebirge

Registered Office: Wien 
Company Register: 207258t
Registration Court: Handelsgericht Wien
Legal Form: Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung
Value Added Tax Identification Number (UID-Nr.): ATU53672903

DHL Global Forwarding and DHL Freight

DHL Global Forwarding (Austria) GmbH
Vienna International Airport (VIE)
Airportstrasse 1
2401 Fischamend

Company Seat: Fischamend
Commercial Register Number: 62082y
Company Registry Court: Landesgericht Korneuburg
Place of Jurisdiction: Vienna
Legal Form: Limited Liability Company
Value Added Tax Identification Number (UID-Nr.): ATU 15376402

DHL Supply Chain

DHL Logistik Service GmbH
Freudenauer Hafenstrasse 20-22
1020 Wien

Registered Office: Wien
Company Register: 238336w
Registration Court: Handelsgericht Wien
Legal Form: Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung
Value Added Tax Identification Number (UID-Nr.): ATU57320269