2024 Argentina Regulatory - informal shipment

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On December 2nd, 2024, the Argentina Customs Authority (ARCA) published regulatory changes to facilitate the clearance of Informal (Low-Value) shipments with an effective date of December 3rd & 4th, 2024.  The regulatory change consist of:

  • Increase the informal import value threshold from US$1,000 to US$3,000 based on the value of the goods (also referred to as FOB).
  1. The increase applies to both the Courier “Simplified Regime”, for shipments that may have a commercial purpose, and the “Small Shipment” regime for shipments with no commercial purpose. Note: Informal (Low-Value) shipments have a 50 kg limit per piece, regardless of the total weight of the shipment. 
  2. Under the “Small Shipment” regime, shipments are: Limited to 3 items of the same commodity within the same shipment and up to 5 shipments per person per calendar year. Exempted from complying with regulations from other Government Agencies (e.g. licenses, permits) 
  • Abolish the Micro, Small and Medium Sized-Business (MSMEs) Regime. Considering the value threshold increase for the “Simplified Regime”, there was no longer a need for a special regime that facilitated MSMEs imports with value up to US$3000.
  • Establish a De Minimis value threshold within the “Small Shipment” regime for shipments of up to US$400 based on the value of the goods (FOB). Imports processed through this regime will be exempted from import customs duties and the customs statistical fee but will continue to pay a VAT tax of 0%, 10.5%, or 21% based on the tariff classification (HS code) and other applicable taxes.


  • The regulatory changes facilitate access to a wider variety of goods for importers/consignees in Argentina and open more opportunities for exports to Argentina by facilitating clearance for Informal (Low-Value) shipments. 
  • Except for non-commercial shipments processed through the “Small Shipment” regime, all other shipments that are subject to regulations from Other Government Agencies (restricted goods) and/or shipments that exceed the informal import value threshold (of US$3,000) will continue to follow the standard formal process.

How can you avoid delays?

  • Shippers from Rest of World to Argentina can avoid delays by being aware of new regulations and providing complete and accurate Commercial Invoice data, including Importer Tax ID, goods descriptions, and whether the shipment is intended for commercial purposes (or not), ideally via DHL Electronic Shipping solution, to allow for an adequate categorization and processing of shipments. 
  • Importers/Consignees in Argentina can avoid delays by being aware of the new regulations and be ready to provide to the Argentinean Customs authorities additional information that supports the products to be imported in case their shipment is selected for further inspection. 

For additional information, please consult the Argentina Government website.