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Accessibility declaration pursuant to art. 3 c. 1bis L. 4/04

This accessibility statement applies to

DHL Express (Italy) S.r.l., VAT 04209680158, with registered address in via Lombardia 2/A – loc. San Bovio - 20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI)

DHL Global Forwarding (Italy) S.r.l.,  VAT 00754800159, with registered address in via Delle Industrie 1 – 20060 Pozzuolo Martesana (MI)

Compliance status

Partially compliant

This website is partially compliant with the requirements of the WCAG 2.1, since it complies with most of the accessibility standard, with exceptions.

The website is constantly evolving and some contents may temporarily have reduced levels of accessibility or not be accessible. The website is under an ongoing process of implementing findings and making contents accessible, based on an accessibility audit.

Drafting of the accessibility declaration

This declaration was drafted on 15.11.23.

The site underwent an accessibility checks also with the support of third parties who carried out evaluations on a representative sample of the site's functionalities.

The checks showed that the pages were not always easy to navigate/understand for all types of users. Based on the findings, a plan to adapt the site to the accessibility standards is being implemented. An internal department to the maintenance of the website and to monitor its compliance status.

Feedback and contact details

In case of feedback, please click on the red rectangle button on the right of the website pages. Feedbacks will be handled by the department in charge of the website management.

How to send notifications to AgID

In the event of an unsatisfactory response or if there is no response within 30 days to the notification or request, the person concerned may submit a report using the following link

Information on the website

Pages are republished to include the technical or content changes.
Usability Tests have been carried out : yes
CMS used for the website: Adobe Experience Manager

Structure information

The number of employees with disabilities in the company.
DHL Express: 145

The number of workstations for employees with disabilities
DHL Express: 2