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Get an International Freight Quote 

If you are looking to book a new freight shipment, we want to connect you to the best shipping expert for your shipping need. 

Business-to-Business Cargo of 30 kg or More

DHL Global Forwarding ships containerized freight and other types of heavy cargo.

Visit Quote + Book

Business-to-Business Shipments Less Than 30 kg

Our colleagues at DHL Express handle parcel and document shipping.

Get a quote from DHL Express by visiting myDHL+

Shipments to Private Customers (Any Weight)

DHL Express handles deliveries of all sizes and weights to and from private residential addresses.

Get a quote from DHL Express by visiting myDHL+

Do You Have Questions about a Shipment That Is in Transit?

If you're are expecting a freight shipment – pallet, container or other cargo –, you can find help on our Customer Service page.