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Ship Now

Do you need to ship right away, or maybe you’d like a quote for a larger shipment? With our delivery services, all options are covered. Pick the right service for you and we’ll connect you to their shipping tools.

For All Shippers

DHL Express

Documents, parcels and pallets

  • Express, door-to-door, shipping with next day delivery
  • International and domestic
  • Shipments up to 70 kg (heavier upon request)

DHL Freight


  • Delivery to Sweden and 24 European Countries
  • Shipments up to 20 kg, and up to 200 cm (l+w+h)
  • Labelless shipment creation through QR code (no need for a printer)

For Businesses

DHL Freight

Domestic and European parcel and freight delivery services  

  • From packages to full trucks
  • Domestic and European e-commerce deliveries
  • B-to-B and B-to-C freight deliveries

DHL Global Forwarding

Pallets, containers and other cargo

  • Air, ocean and more – door-to-door freight
  • Adaptive lead time – from same-day air to cost-efficient ocean
  • Min. piece weight 40 kg

Log in and Ship

Already have an account? Log in and ship using your customer portal.

Are you looking for another portal?

Do you ship more than 3,000 parcels a year?

Our DHL eCommerce division offers standard international shipping and return solutions to business customers and can develop bespoke solutions for our largest e-commerce customers.