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Book a Shipment Online

Booking your transports with DHL Freight is easy with our digital tools.  

For Our Customers

As a corporate customer with a customer number, you can choose to log in to myDHLFreight to gain access to several functionalities or to book directly via the browser, which does not require a login. (Interested in becoming a customer?) 


myDHLFreight is a web-based customer portal that is free to use if you have a customer number at DHL Freight and would like to book domestic or international shipments. 

  • Book pick up
  • Book and create freight documents
  • Calculate freight cost, which is linked to your contract prices
  • View your shipping history
  • Create templates, an address book
  • Check and manage pallet account


Visit myDHLFreight

Book Direct - Access without a Login

Book direct is a booking tool if you have a customer number with DHL Freight and would like to book domestic or international shipments.

Explore our Online Shipping Tools

From DHL Active Tracing to eBilling and EDI integrations, explore our digital tools and capabilities