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Success story: Nestlé Health Science

Manuela Karner
Manuela Karner
DHL Express Austria Content Team
4 min read
Success story: Nestlé Health Science

Shipments from Nestlé Health Science are always urgent and in many cases vital. Together, we have managed to secure supplies for patients even in COVID-19 quarantine areas.

It is the famous one more step that makes a partnership a good partnership. In the case of Nestlé Health Science, we take it literally. Because the delivery of tube feeds requires a great deal of sensitivity. "The DHL Express courier's offer to quickly carry the heavy delivery to the house is worth its weight in gold for us," says Alexander Morgner from Nestlé Health Science. Tube feeding is one of the company's three product segments.

Nestlé Health Science also specialises in medical technology and medical food. Together with DHL Express Austria, around 42,000 parcels are sent to Austrian customers every year: Hospitals, pharmacies, doctors' surgeries - and to many patients being cared for at home. Within 24 hours of ordering, is the promise.

"What I like is the absolute customer focus. The DHL Express courier also helps our patient to put away the delivery. It's not in the contract - but it makes a big difference."

"What I like is the absolute customer focus. The DHL Express courier also helps our patient to put away the delivery. It's not in the contract - but it makes a big difference."

Alexander Morgner, Business Executive Office Nestlé Health Science

Done: express delivers to quarantine areas

The lockdown in spring 2020 posed major challenges for logistics at a stroke: How do we deliver the delicate shipments express to quarantine areas? "If products such as our tube feed had been delivered too late, this would have had serious consequences. Patients and their carers have to be able to rely on us," says Alexander Morgner.

This makes proven partnerships and quick solutions all the more important in extreme situations: "We quickly managed to deliver to all quarantine areas in Austria with special safety precautions," says Günter Payer, Key Account Manager at DHL Express Austria. In addition to the courtesy of the employees, it is precisely this security that is valued at Nestlé Health Science: "In the healthcare industry, reliability is paramount," says Alexander Morgner. 

Another decisive factor for the global company when choosing its partners is sustainability.

Both sides strive for CO₂ neutrality in order to minimise the ecological footprint. The common goal for the end customer is always high: to deliver reliably and courteously.

"We are all measured by our ecological footprint. For us, it goes without saying that we also demand sustainable demand sustainable concepts from our partners."

"We are all measured by our ecological footprint. For us, it goes without saying that we also demand sustainable demand sustainable concepts from our partners."