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Afterpay Australian Fashion Week (AAFW)

Afterpay Australian Fashion Week (AAFW)

DHL is the global Official Logistics Partner of IMG's Fashion Week events around the world, within Australia we’ve proudly supported the Australian Fashion industry for over 13 years.

DHL is the fashion and retail industry’s leading global logistics partner. For decades, we have pioneered solutions to meet the needs of designers, retailers and some of the world’s most glamorous fashion events – and made it our mission to give these businesses an edge behind the scenes.

Our speedy international transport has been critical to countless startups, shows and openings over the years. But we’re also there at every stage of the fashion retail journey: streamlining supply chains, reducing inventory needs and lead times, sourcing materials, advising on local customs regulations and taxation, even handling quality control in the production process. On top of all that, our worldwide presence provides businesses with access to new markets around the globe.

At DHL we love fashion, which is why we’re engaged in the industry beyond logistics – as a promoter of talented young designers, through the NextGen program presented by DHL, as well as, championing our support of sustainability in fashion. We made “Positive Fashion” the rallying cry of our fashion-industry partnerships to highlight the importance of support and sustainability in the fast-moving fashion industry.