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Championing sustainability by cultivating a green company culture

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Championing sustainability by cultivating a green company culture

Organisations globally will have to adopt sustainable practices in their daily business operations as consumer sentiments and climate change initiatives begin to take hold as priorities. Starting small is key to effectual change. 

With the rise of COVID-19, both individuals and industries alike have recognised the need for sustainable practices in many parts of their lives. From implementing sustainable production methods to employment, these changing consumer and supplier sentiments reiterate the importance of continuing to grow steadily. Also, all while preserving the things that are crucial for our livelihood. 

A key consideration in these last few decades is championing a green culture in the workplace to do our part in combating the impact of climate change. This is especially important for those in the supply chain industry, where 90% of carbon footprint is registered. If you’re a company that’s looking to move towards a greener operational culture but are not sure how to do so, scroll down for some tips.

What is green culture? 

In summary, green culture is the act of making conscious efforts in your life to reduce your carbon footprint. Some of these choices can include taking the bus instead of a taxi, bringing your own takeaway container when buying lunch, or even refusing to indulge in fast fashion due to its high carbon emissions. Businesses can take the immediate step of adopting green packaging in their operations, for instance. 

In fact, a number of high profile corporations have started to develop a green culture to reduce the impact that they have on the environment. For example, Nike has increased their usage of sustainable materials such as recycled polyester to make their products. On the other hand, Disney has implemented a policy to make their environmental impact net positive, and continues to take steps to reduce their carbon emissions for all their facilities.  

Of course, these changes come after years of research and trial and error. So you might find yourself asking: how can you start to go green at work?

How to cultivate green culture in the workplace

Implementing a green culture in the workplace is a long-term commitment, and it takes time to fully incorporate these policies and behaviours effectively. Some steps you can take to kickstart your journey are:

1. Education & awareness

Engaging your employees is the first step to initiating a sustainable and green culture. Interesting facts such as your yearly corporate carbon emissions, and how much of an impact small changes in the office can make will go a long way to peaking their interest and getting them to take part.  

Put up educational posters or send regular email newsletters to pique their interest. 

2. Small & attainable goals

Going green is a habit, and takes consistent conscious choices to implement over time. Start small, such as setting up recycling bins and reminders to turn off the lights when not in use. Once they’ve become habits, you can gradually implement more initiatives. 

3. Setting a good example 

Like many things in life, setting an example for others is crucial in enacting change. Show your employees that you’re taking conscious steps in your life to go green. The organisation as a whole can encourage bringing your own tupperwares, recycling every month, and printing less. 

Going green

Going green at work is a team effort, and takes dedication from everyone in your office. While it won’t be an easy journey, it’s a worthwhile switch in the fight against climate change. 

The need for environmental sustainability varies across different industries, with different levels of carbon emissions experienced by different corporations. Reducing your carbon footprint can have an impact on long-term business success as well.