
Weekly trade update: 07/09/23

Weekly trade update: 07/09/23
The FSB calls for SME tech and innovation empowerment
Greener garbage: digital waste management is coming
Estimating the prevalence and impact of drip pricing

SME tech and innovation empowerment

SME tech and innovation empowerment

39% of small businesses would be encouraged to innovate if they had more information and/or support with implementing. The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) is urging the Government to foster a risk-taking business culture from the bottom up by incentivising millions of small firms to invest in tech adoption and innovate. FSB Policy chair, Tina McKenzie, said “Our report tells the story of how tech adoption and innovation is not confined to big businesses and the tech industry”. Read more below.

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Digital waste management

Digital waste management

Set to launch in 2024, the UK government has plans to introduce mandatory digital waste tracking to help businesses analyse and implement strategies to achieve their green goals. Read more to learn how you can comply and the potential benefits this new scheme will have on your business, including enhanced sustainability and cost saving.

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The prevalence and impact of price dripping

The prevalence and impact of price dripping

Drip pricing occurs when consumers are shown an initial price for goods or a service while additional fees are revealed later in the checkout process. The research in this article estimates the prevalence of online drip pricing across the retail, hospitality, entertainment and transport and communication sectors, and the detriment caused to consumers as a result.

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