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Weekly Trade Update: 09/01/25

Weekly Trade Update: 09/01/25
2025 e-commerce trends
Prioritising business growth over cutting costs
Sustainability matters: DHL Express global survey on SMEs

2025 e-commerce trends

The global e-commerce market is set to be worth $6.56tn by the end of this year, meaning there is a lot of growth potential for SMEs over the next 12 months. Understanding and capitalising on emerging trends can help e-commerce firms to secure their success in this dynamic market. From emerging market to social e-commerce, this article covers some of the rising trends SMEs should embrace in 2025.

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Prioritising business growth over cutting costs

Amidst today’s tough economy, cutting costs may sound like the obvious focus for SMEs. However, research has shown that businesses prioritising growth, innovation, and customer satisfaction are seeing more success than those focusing only on reducing costs. This article offers insights and statistics into the factors that have been driving business results.

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Sustainability matters: DHL Express global survey on SMEs

Where is your business on its sustainability journey? How does it compare to its competitors? And what should it be doing to keep up? This exclusive report has the answers… DHL Express conducted an in-depth survey with SMEs around the world, looking into their approaches to sustainability. This report collates the key findings and shares actionable steps your business can take to improve the sustainability of its own logistics.

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