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Weekly Trade Update: 23/05/24

Weekly Trade Update: 23/05/24
The importance of human oversight in automated processes
Optimising your risk mitigation strategy
Your guide to shipping to Portugal

The importance of human oversight in automated processes

We're seeing increased automation of tasks across businesses as leaders begin to embrace AI. These tasks that were once human led have increased in efficiency, productivity, and have cut costs. However, while the potential of these changes is exciting, it is important to remember that these automated processes should be accompanied with human oversight. While people may feel concerns surrounding the evolution of technology, harnessing automation in an ethical, human-led way is important for pushing towards a path of long-term growth.

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Optimising your risk mitigation strategy

Over the last few years businesses have faced many unforeseen difficulties such as Covid-19 and Brexit. With this in mind, the importance of taking time to identify and plan for any risk your business may face it is clearer than ever. This article looks at how businesses should understand the potential legal and compliance risks they may face, and offers ways you can build a strategy and plan ahead effectively.

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Your guide to shipping to Portugal

Have you considered shipping to Portugal? Portugal’s e-commerce market is projected to reach US$4.7 billion this year. With 49% of the population being e-commerce users, 60% of whom have made a purchase for another country, Portugal offers a promising market for UK businesses. With the right market insights, customs knowledge, and an international shipping partner, your business can benefit from this emerging opportunity.

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