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Weekly Trade Update: 31/10/24

Weekly Trade Update: 31/10/24
Leveraging emerging technologies for growth
Running a successful Black Friday marketing campaign
Sustainable products to sell this peak season

Leveraging emerging technologies for growth

SMEs face a unique set of challenges and opportunities as a result of the rapidly evolving digital landscape. To stay competitive without exceeding their budgets, SMEs must adopt smarter strategies. Embracing and understanding emerging technologies such as AI, automation, and cloud computing can help to foster growth, efficiency, and innovation. The key is to start small, experiment, and continuously learn – without the need for a large budget. By staying digitally curious and adopting technologies SMEs can drive growth, streamline operations, and remain competitive on a global scale.

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Running a successful Black Friday marketing campaign

Black Friday spending is expected to rise by £800 million this year, up 27% since 2023. Over the last 10 years the shopping event has become increasingly popular among UK customers and taking advantage of it can help to grow your business. Running a successful Black Friday marketing campaign requires strategic and early planning to stand out in a crowded market. By showcasing your deals, targeting abandoned cards, and adding gamification elements, you can maximise your customer engagement and make the most of the lucrative shopping event.

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Sustainable products to sell this peak season

79% of consumers are considering sustainability in their holiday shopping this year, telling us that eco-friendly products will be in high demand this peak season! Having a sustainability products page on your website can offer you a competitive advantage. In this article get some inspiration for products you might consider for your business, depending on your target audience.

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