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DHL's Fight Against Food Waste: Turn Surplus Food into Hope

DHL's Fight Against Food Waste: Turn Surplus Food into Hope

Discover how DHL’s frontline heroes are using their logistics expertise to transform surplus food into hope in partnership with Feeding Hong Kong!

In Hong Kong, over 3,400 tonnes of food waste are sent to landfills daily, while many people struggle to afford basic necessities, including food. Despite being a global financial hub, over a million people in the city face poverty-related challenges. DHL recognizes the need for collective action and innovative solutions to address these pressing issues.

At DHL, our mission to connect people and improve lives extends beyond our core logistics operations. We are committed to social responsibility and strive to create sustainable efforts to societal challenges.  By strengthening the partnership with Feeding Hong Kong, DHL is utilizing its delivery know-how to help fight food waste and hunger.

Twice a week, the DHL team turns surplus food into a lifeline, collecting it from community collection points and delivering it to charitable organizations in need. This initiative not only reduces food waste but also provides essential support to vulnerable communities, helping to alleviate the issue of poverty. DHL has already completed over 60 trips, saving a total of 250 kg of food as of June 2024.

But our journey doesn't stop here

In addition to regular pickup and delivery of food items, DHL volunteers recently came together for a noteworthy cause. They worked hard to sort, check, and repack food collected from the community at Feeding Hong Kong’s Yau Tong warehouse.

Their hard work resulted in rescuing an impressive 1,600 kg of food, equivalent to 3,900 meals. This food has now reached those who need it most, thanks to the dedication and teamwork of DHL's volunteers.
The commitment of these volunteers reflects the company's mission to make a positive impact on society, not just by reducing food waste but also by addressing the issue of poverty. It serves as a reminder that every step towards combating food waste and poverty matters. 

Together, this collective effort has turned the motto "Food Wanted, Not Wasted" from a mere statement into a lived reality at DHL.

Check out the video and photos to get a glimpse of our volunteer work at Feeding Hong Kong’s warehouse:

Delivering hope, one meal at a time. Together, we can contribute to a more sustainable, inclusive, and hunger-free future.