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How To Improve Your Website’s Bounce Rate?

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How To Improve Your Website’s Bounce Rate?

For many businesses, creating a website is an effective way of gaining more customers. However, some can experience a high bounce rate, which is the number of visitors that navigate away from your site after looking at just one page. 

It’s important to pay attention to your bounce rate analytics. It can accurately identify gaps in your website interface that could be driving visitors away, compared to other metrics such as page speed and session duration. If you’re looking to fix your website’s bounce rate or are looking to learn more about how it works, keep scrolling as we give you tips on how to get more sustained views!   

Understanding bounce rate analytics

If your interface doesn’t have the option to view your overall bounce rate, you can calculate it by dividing the number of single-paged sessions with the overall number of sessions (i.e., if you have 100 sessions and 5 of them leave without triggering another page request, your bounce rate is 5%). A bounce rate of 24% - 40% is considered excellent, while anything below 70% is acceptable.  

Bounce rates are good in telling you how effective your marketing strategies are. If your bounce rate is low, you can use this metric to tweak your marketing plan for better results. 

How to reduce your website bounce rate? 

1. Write relevant content 

If the type of content you publish on your site is confusing, inaccurate or unreliable, this could contribute to your low bounce rate. Most internet users come online to search for results quickly and efficiently. If they have to painfully sift through confusing content, they probably wouldn’t stick around. 

For this, you can consider re-wording or re-structuring your pages to be more concise, such as by fixing your headers or body texts to make sure it’s clear and easy to understand. To accommodate users with a different preference for content types, consider including high-resolution images and videos.   

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Adopt clearer page design

Internet users can be particular about the layout of a website. If it’s frustrating to navigate (i.e., poorly structured sections or pages), this could be another reason for your high bounce rate. 

To solve this, it’s good to reach out to User Interface Design (UI) / User Experience Design (UX) experts who can give you tips on how to lay your website. By doing so, you’ll be able to provide visitors with a more curated and smooth experience, which will help to reduce your bounce rate and retain more viewers.  

3. Write for the right audience

Wrong audiences arise because of poor page signals, such as meta descriptions, mistitled header tags and page titles, which are the results that appear on search engines like Google and Bing. These are prime reasons for whether viewers come to your website or not. If your meta descriptions are unreliable or inaccurate, it’s likely that they’ll leave almost immediately.  

To rectify this, it’s good to have a concise list of meta descriptions based on what your website is about for these engines. For example, if it’s about food, having the most generalised list of descriptions about the type of food you’re promoting (i.e. bagels, and the various flavours). Doing so will help you attract the right target audience. 

Fix your bounce rate to see success 

A low bounce rate is ideal if you’re doing a large amount of your marketing via your website. This will help retain your viewership and strengthen your online branding. If you’re a business looking for more tips on how you can reduce your bounce rate or need more help to improve the performance of your site take a look at our website enhancement guides.

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