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Export durian out of Malaysia

Export durian out of Malaysia


Yes, DHL Express can accept durian and durian processed food with proper vacuum packing to Hong Kong and Singapore only for our account customers.
The shipper has to ensure that the shipment is with sufficient gel pack to maintain the required temperature during shipment transit. The shipper is also required to provide MAQIS permit for Malaysia customs clearance.

Durian Express is only available to DHL Express Malaysia’s approved account customers. Besides, Durian Express can export the king of fruits to Hong Kong and Singapore only. 

Yes, DHL Express can accept durian and durian processed food with proper vacuum packing to Hong Kong and Singapore only for our account customers.

The shipper has to ensure that the shipment is with sufficient gel pack to maintain the required temperature during shipment transit. 

With Durian Express, business owners have the flexibility of making shipments to their overseas warehouses, commercial entities like greengrocers and supermarkets, or residential and office addresses. 

Bulk orders can also be made for large-volume orders that will give businesses the option of individual dispatch to separate locations. 

Throughout the past 5 years, the harvest area for durian in Malaysia has been expanding, as durian is one of the most profitable fruits for farmers and exporters. 

To export durians, you are required to provide a MAQIS Export Permit and a Conformity 3P Certificate (GPL) or Certificate of Conformity (CoC) from FAMA. 

To register as an exporter with FAMA for Conformity 3P Certificate (GPL) or Certificate of Conformity (CoC) through Meanwhile, to register as an exporter with MAQIS for Export Permit through online 

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