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Export food out of Malaysia

Export food out of Malaysia


Yes, you can. The consignee must obtain import license from the Singapore Food Agency (SFA) for commercial import.

Yes, you can. No import license is required for personal consumption that weigh less than 5kg.

Yes, you can. The exporter/importer should be registered in China customs. Chinese label registration is required. Paperwork for the registration are sanitary certificate from origin country, certificate of origin, sales contract, original label and Chinese translation.

Yes, you can. For personal purpose, the registration with China Customs can be exempted. But, the quantity should be reasonable for personal use. Meat, sea food and yolk products are not acceptable for personal shipments.

DHL Express does not accept any shipment that requires inspection by UK Customs at a Border Control Post (BCP). However, some food items and products of animal origin can be imported under UK Import license without the need for presentation at a BCP.

If you want more information on what DHL Express can or cannot accept, or are unclear about a certain commodity, do not hesitate to contact our Customer Service on DHL Express Facebook today!

Foodstuffs that is not commercially manufactured, commercially labelled or commercially packaged will be seized by Quarantine.

Yes, you can. Herbal or Nutritional Supplements must contain the full name/s of the product/s and an ingredients listing on the commercial invoice. Failure to comply may lead to clearance delays.

Yes, you can. Baby formula (Milk Powder) must have an Import Permit and Health Certificate to satisfy Australia Quarantine requirements. A declaration showing the full ingredients list is required for all food products.

All shipments into Australia containing foodstuffs must contain an accurate goods description of the said foodstuffs. Vague and ambiguous descriptions such as “snacks” OR “Food” are not acceptable. Failure to comply will result in regulatory (Quarantine) delays.

Yes, you can. Shippers are required to register with the FDA. Prior Notice is required for all food shipments with exception of homemade food to an individual with a value less than USD800. Foodstuffs must be commercially manufactured, commercially labelled or commercially packaged with list of ingredients and expired date.

Foodstuffs may also require the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food & Drug inspection and/or import permit.

No, you cannot. Personal consumption mooncake with or without egg is prohibited from sending to the United Kingdom.

Yes, you can. Food and animal products may be imported to the United Kingdom if travelling under license. Shippers must self-assess legal requirements and provide veterinary & health certs, relevant licenses, or a statement confirming goods are not subject to any import restrictions.

Yes, you can send mooncake to Singapore for personal consumption. No import license is required for personal consumption and it has to be less than 5kg.

Yes, you can. However, the receiver must obtain an import license from the Singapore Food Agency (SFA).

Mooncakes are not allowed into Australia unless the importer holds the below valid documents:
• Valid import permit
• Health Certificate
• Manufacturer’s Declaration

Yes, you can. It will be subjected to an inspection by the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI), so do expect delays.

Yes, you can only send mooncake without eggs. The importer should register in China customs. Chinese label registration is required. Paperwork for the registration are sanitary certificate from origin country, certificate of origin, sales contract, original label and Chinese translation.

Yes, you can only send mooncake without yolk. For personal purpose, the Chinese label registration can be exempted. But, the quantity should be reasonable for personal use. Meat, seafood and yolk products are not acceptable for personal effects.

Yes, you can. However, mooncake made in China is highly prohibited to be imported, with the exception of products containing non-meat and physical weight under 6KG approved by FDA.

Yes, you can. Shippers must clearly mention the type of commodity specifically on invoice. Mooncake with eggs or egg products, an import license is required. Exception on eggs: fully cooked or constitutes one of the ingredients of any compounded food).

Yes, you can. However, mooncake that contains certain animal commodity and or plant commodity is prohibited to be imported.

If you want more information on what DHL Express can or cannot accept, or are unclear about a certain commodity, do not hesitate to contact our Customer Service on DHL Express Facebook page today!

Examples of commodities the FDA consider to be food include:

  • Dietary supplements and dietary ingredients
  • Infant formula (baby food)
  • Beverages including alcoholic beverages and bottled water
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Fish and seafood
  • Dairy products and shell eggs
  • Raw agricultural commodities for use as food or components of food
  • Canned and frozen foods
  • Live food animals
  • Bakery goods, snack foods, candy and chewing gum
  • Animal feed and pet food

The following are exempt from Prior Notice requirements:

  • Meat food products, poultry products and egg products that are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and comply with the USDA rules and regulations
  • Food that was made by an individual in his/her personal residence and sent by that individual as a personal gift (i.e. for non-business reasons) to an individual in the United States. FDA recently expanded exemptions (or authorized enforcement discretion) to include all personal food shipments. These are shipments sent person to person for non-commercial purposes.

Examples include:

  • Food in household goods, including military, civilian, governmental agency, and diplomatic transfers;
  • Food purchased by a traveler and mailed or shipped to the traveler’s U.S. address by the traveler;
  • Gifts purchased at a commercial establishment and shipped by the purchaser, not the commercial establishment;
  • Food contained in diplomatic pouches.

Note: This does not include shipments sent from a retailer or distributor to an individual. Such shipments do require Prior Notice.

Samples of food for non-consumption valued below $200 have also been identified as exempt from PN requirements. This would include shipments clearly identified as samples destined for food manufacturers or testing labs, but would not include shipments to retailers or individuals.

The FDA has the sole authority to determine the scope of the covered commodities. Further details are available on the FDA Website.

All facilities that manufacture, process, pack, or hold food for human or animal consumption in the United States must register with the FDA.

Each registration must include:

  • the name, address and phone number for the facility and its parent company (if applicable);
  • the name, address and phone number of the owner operator or agent in charge;
  • all trade names the facility uses;
  • applicable food product categories; and
  • a statement certifying that the information submitted is true and accurate and that the person is authorized to submit the registration.
  • All non-US facilities must also designate a U.S. Agent who must live or maintain a place of business in the U.S. and be physically present in the U.S. for purposes of registration

DHL Express USA Inc can file Prior Notice for individual shipments (see Section 4 below), but does not offer registration services. Customers can register direct with the FDA at the FDA Website.

In addition to standard invoice requirements, the following elements must be included on the shipping invoice and be available at the time of pick up:

  • Identification of each article of food, including the common or usual name or market name, the quantity described at the smallest package size, and the lot or code numbers or other identifier.
  • In order to be able to submit a proper Prior Notice DHL requires English language description of each food item shipped. (The FDA product code, if known (available from the FDA Website, will speed up the process.)
  • Complete name and address of the manufacturer or grower and their FDA registration number (if available)
  • Country of production
  • Complete name and address of shipper and their FDA registration number (if available)
  • Complete name and address of the importer, purchaser or ultimate consignee and their FDA registration numbers (if available)

The “Required Information for FDA Prior Notice Submission” can be completed and included with the shipping documents to ensure all details necessary are available.

Note that a separate prior notice is required for each article of food when any of the above items varies or changes. This also includes changes in the size or kind of packaging or container.

DHL will require submission of a Prior Notice confirmation number or the required data elements to submit a Prior Notice application on the shipping documentation at the time of pick up.
The FDA also allows food importers to submit the Prior Notice application directly. Prior notice must be submitted electronically at the FDA Website
The “Required Information for FDA Prior Notice Submission” can be completed and included with the shipping documents to ensure all details necessary are available.

That depends on the amount that you are trying to send. If it’s only a small amount of food, it will have no problem going through customs. 

However, the general rule of thumb is that any product that contains meat, fish, eggs or dairy products outside of the EU (European Union) will not be acceptable. In other words, any products of animal origin outside of the EU are prohibited to enter Germany.

This is to prevent the introduction of animal epidemics in Germany.

Shipments that contain veterinary and phytosanitary content (feed and food of non-animal origin; food product of animal origin, animal feed; product intended for human consumption (such as homoeopathic medicine and dietary supplements) and plants or parts of plants (Seeds Fruit Soil)) are prohibited as it might increase the risk of infectious and contagious spread of diseases in Germany. For more information, take a look at this link.

Yes. If it is commercially packed with an ingredient list and expiry date can be shipped. However, it is important to note that:

  1. They are subject to the regulations and taxes of the destination country
  2. Homemade, perishable foodstuff and products that do not meet temperature requirements will not be accepted.

1. Businesses: Business to Business (B2B) & Business to Customer. (B2C) requires NOC (No Objections Certificate) & FSSAI (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India license).

2. Beef and products containing Beef or Beef in any form are Prohibited for import (even if it is tinned food).

3. All consignments of ‘edible oils’ and ‘processed food products’ imported in bulk must carry a declaration form within the shipping document that clarifies the consignment does not contain any form of beef.

4. Every shipment bound for India requires KYC submission by the consignee.

5. Personal  / Individual is prohibited from sending food items.

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