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Strategic Trade Goods

Strategic Trade Goods

Strategic trade goods refer to end products or materials that can be utilized in manufacturing weapons that will cause extensive damage to a country's infrastructure or cultural norms. For example, ammunitions, military goods of all kinds, imaging devices, chemicals and etc. 

These items are administered by Malaysia's Export Control through the Strategic Trade Act (STA) 2010. 

Strategic Trade Goods

Strategic Trade Goods are items controlled by Malaysia's Export Control law known as the Strategic Trade Act (STA) 2010. 

These items include military goods or dual-use items that could be used for violence or terrorism. For example, nuclear materials, telecommunications, sensors and lasers, etc.

To export strategic trade goods, a permit from the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) is required.

DHL Express will support in declaring the STA (Strategic Trade Act) items to the Royal Malaysian Customs Department (RMCD) based on the exporter's instructions.

The exporter is responsible for providing DHL Express with the permit issued by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI).

The MITI permit is necessary for the proper declaration of items in the K2 form as part of the STA shipment process.

There are 3 steps to facilitate the STA declaration process for your exports:

1. Inform our Commercial or Customer Service team when shipping goods under STA 2010 regulations.

2. Prepare the MITI permit, Invoice, and Waybill when scheduling the pickup for STA item.

3. Properly label the Waybill with “STA Items”.


You will face penalties from the Royal Malaysian Customs Department (RMCD) or legal action will be taken against you by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) and RMCD if you failed to declare for STA items.

Handling strategic trade goods (STG) shipments involves these 4 steps to follow the Strategic Trade Act (STA) regulations:

Handling STG shipments involves these 4 steps to follow the Strategic Trade Act (STA) regulations:

1. Identification: 

Items are classified as Strategic Trade Goods (STG) if they can be used for dual purposes, in acts of terrorism, or in making Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD).

2. Notification: 

Shippers must notify authorities when shipping STG.

3. Service Alert Label:

All STG shipments must prominently display a service alert label.

4. Permit: 

Transportation of STGs necessitates an STA permit issued by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI).


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