A commercial invoice, also known as customs invoice is a key document for global shipping, providing goods' details for customs clearance and duty determination. Accuracy is critical to prevent shipping delays or errors.
When shipping with DHL Express, you can either upload your own invoice or create one during shipment booking on MyDHL+.
This guide walks you through filling out the necessary information on MyDHL+ to generate a digital or physical copy of commercial invoice.
Step 1: Initiate Shipment Booking
To get started, visit MyDHL+ and create a shipment.
- Export with pickup service: Book an export online and schedule a courier pickup.
- Export with drop-off: Book an export online and drop off the shipment at a DHL Express service point.
- Export for others or future use: Create a waybill for someone else or schedule for later.
- Import: Book an import online.
The commercial invoice is generated using the information provided in the 'Shipper and Consignee Details,' 'Shipment Details,' and 'Customs Invoice Details' sections during shipment booking on MyDHL+/
Step 2: Commercial Invoice Details Input
Shipper and Consignee Details
- Enter the shipper's name, contact information, and address.
- Enter the consignee's name, contact information, and address.

Shipment Type Selection
A commercial invoice is required only for package shipments (products or goods). Document shipments do not need a commercial invoice.
- Select 'Packages' as shipment type.
- Select a description for the shipment purpose.
- Select 'Describe Items'.

Shipment Descriptions
Two options available -
- Write with prompt: Click 'Create Description'.
- Write without prompt: Enter the description in the box on the right.

'Write with question prompt' is recommended to ensure shipment descriptions accuracy.
After clicking 'Click Description', provide short and concise answers to all questions in the pop-up window.
- What is the item: Specify the item type, such as 'clothing', 'phone', 'laptop', 'shoes', etc.
- Which type, model, or style is it: Enter the model of the commodities, such as 'Floral Kurung Kedah', 'A2882', '15-eg2003', etc.
- How will it be used: Specify how the commodities will be used, such as 'for personal use', 'gift', etc.
- Brand or manufacturer: Enter the product's brand or manufacturer.
- What is it made of: Specify primary materials like 'cotton' and 'polyester' for clothing or 'aluminum casing, plastic keyboard, glass screen, lithium-ion battery' for laptops, avoiding general terms like 'fabric' or 'metal and plastic'.
- Click 'Use this description' to proceed after reviewing the final description in the preview box.

Commodity Code
Two options available - input a commodity code, also known as HS code manually or use the lookup option.
For manual input -
- Input the commodity code.
- Click 'Check Code' to check the commodity code description - optional but recommended to ensure accuracy.

Review the commodity code description carefully. If it's accurate, click 'Confirm' to proceed.
If not, update the commodity code in the column below and click 'Verify New Code'. Repeat until the right description appears.
Then, click 'Confirm' to proceed.

For commodity code lookup option, click 'Lookup Code'.

Information is auto-filled based on the entered commodity description.
- Review and edit if needed, then click 'Search' to look for other commodity code.
- Select the best matching code and click 'Use Code' to proceed.

Commodity Value
- Enter the quantity of item.
- Select an appropriate measurement unit.
- Enter value the per-item value - ensure the currency is correct. Click to change if needed.
- Enter the weight per item in kilograms (kg).
- Select the item's manufacturing country.
- Review the item value summary.

Shipment Additional Charges
Include all additional charges in the invoice to ensure transparency and avoid disputes.
These may include:
Charges | Description |
VAT | Tax applied to goods/services |
Fuel Surcharge | Fees for fuel costs. |
Handling Fee | Charges for special handling. |
Freight/Shipping Charge | Transportation costs. |
Insurance | Coverage for shipment loss/damage. |
Reverse Charge | Taxes paid by the recipient. |
Export Charge | Fees for export-related processes. |
In the Shipment Details section, under 'Invoice Value,' follow these steps to add additional charges:
- Click 'Add Charges'.
- Choose a 'Charges Type'.
- Enter the charge amount.
- Confirm the total invoice value, including all additional charges.

Step 3: Commercial Invoice Generation
- Click 'Create Invoice'.
- Add an invoice number in any format for easy reference. (e.g YYMMDD/INV/Order Number).
- Enter an 'Additional Invoice Reference' to include in the commercial invoice.

Next, proceed with the remaining steps of the shipment booking process.
Step 5: Commercial Invoice Digital Copy Access or Printing
Once completed, you will be prompted to print or save a copy of the shipment documents, including waybill, customs invoice, and shipment receipt.
- Check the 'Customs Invoice' box.
- Enter a quantity for printing. *Note: Two printed customs invoice copies must be handed over to the courier at the time of shipment pickup.
- Click 'Send Selected Document' to get a digital copy, or 'Printed Selected Document' to print the commercial invoice.

Sample of DHL Express Commercial Invoice