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How to Pay DHL Shipment Duties in Advance

3 mins
How to Pay DHL Shipment Duties in Advance

To have DHL Express shipment cleared as soon as it arrives, pay duties and taxes online in advance using DHL On Demand Delivery.

Notifications will be sent via email or text message with a link to On Demand Delivery.

Follow the steps below to complete the payment:

  1. Email notification
  2. Text message

Step 1: Check Customs Duty Notification from DHL Express


  1. Look for an email from DHL Express <>.
  2. Check the waybill number
  3. Click "here" to pay

Note: DHL will only communicate using a standard email address (e.g.

ODD On Demand ADC - dhlodd-adc-email notification

DHL Express Customs Duty Email Notification

Text Message

  1. Check SMS notification from 62033.
  2. Click the link (begin with in the message
ODD On Demand ADC - dhlodd-adc-email notification

DHL Express Customs Duty Email Notification

Step 2: Click 'Pay Now'

ODD On Demand ADC - dhlodd-adc-paynow

DHL Express Customs Duty Payment Initiate

Step 3: Review Payment

Check the listed charges.

ODD On Demand ADC - dhodd-adc-chargescheck

Shipment Duties and Charges

Step 4: Make Payment

  1. Enter the recipient's email address to receive the payment receipt.
  2. Click the 'Securely Pay Online' button
ODD On Demand ADC - dhodd-adc-makepayment

DHL On Demand Delivery Make Payment

Step 5: Choose Payment Method

There are 3 payment methods for selection:

  1. Credit or debit card
  2. Duit Now QR code
  3. Financial process exchange (FPX)

Option 1: Credit Card or Debit Card

  1. Select 'Credit/Debit Card' option on the list.
  2. Fill in the card information to proceed, including:
    1. Name on card
    2. Card number
    3. Expiry date
    4. CVV/CVC
  3. Click 'Finish and Pay'.
ODD On Demand ADC - dhodd-adc-creditcardinfo

DHLODD Payment: Credit Card

Option 2: Duit Now

1. Select 'Duit Now' option on the list.

2. Click 'Finish and Pay'.

ODD On Demand ADC - dhodd-adc-duitnow

DHLODD Payment: Duit Now

3. Scan the QR code to pay.

ODD On Demand ADC - dhodd-adc-duitnow-qrcode

DHLODD Payment: Duit Now QR code

Option 3: Financial Process Exchange (FPX)

  1. Select the FPX option from the list to pay with a bank account.
  2. Click 'Finish and Pay'
ODD On Demand ADC - dhodd-adc-fpx

DHLODD Payment: Duit Now QR code

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