
How to Schedule a Shipment Pickup

2 mins
How to Schedule a Shipment Pickup

If you're managing a shipment and need to arrange a pickup with a waybill that’s already been created, follow the steps in this guide.

First, go to MyDHL+ and select the country of residence.

Schedule A Pick Up - Schedule Pickup-MyDHL+

Step 1: MyDHL+ Navigation

The 10-digit waybill number is required to arrange a shipment pickup.

You can locate it in the confirmation email sent during shipment creation, in MyDHL+ if you have an account, or by reaching out to the shipment creator.

Otherwise, follow this guide to create a shipment and arrange a pickup in one go.

  1. Click 'Schedule a Pickup'
  2. Select 'No' for the section - Do you need to create a shipping label?
  3. Select 'I have DHL Waybill number'
  4. Enter a valid waybill number
  5. Enter shipment holder's 'Country Code' and 'Phone Number'.
  6. Click 'Next' to proceed.
Schedule A Pick Up - Schedule Pick Up with AWB

Step 2: Pickup Details

  1. Enter shipment holder's name and company.
  2. Enter shipment pickup address
  3. Enter shipment holder's email address and phone number. 
  4. Select a location within the pickup address.
  5. Add a special pickup note for the courier. *e.g, if you need a DHL box, it's mandatory to mention it here so the courier can have it ready for you.
Schedule A Pick Up - schedule pickup details

Step 3: Shipment Details

Two options available for selection - using your own package or DHL's.

Ship with Your Own Package

  1. Enter the shipment quantity.
  2. Enter the shipment weight. 
  3. Enter the shipment dimensions - length, width, and height. 
  4. Click 'Next' to proceed.
Schedule A Pick Up - schedule pickup-own package

Ship with DHL's Packages

  1. Enter the shipment quantity.
  2. Enter the shipment weight. 
  3. Select a DHL box.
  4. Click 'Next' to proceed. 

Note: Selecting a DHL box in this section does not place an order for a box. To order a DHL box,  add a special note for the courier at the end of your shipment booking.

Schedule A Pick Up - schedule pickup-dhl package

Step 4: Shipment Pickup Date and Time

  1. Select a pickup date.
  2. Select the pickup time range using the slider.
  3. Click 'Schedule Pickup' to proceed. 
Schedule A Pick Up - Shipment Pickup time window

Step 5: Pickup Confirmation

Pickup scheduled!

You can provide a phone number or email to notify the shipment holder.

Otherwise, review the details on the right and prepare the shipment before the pickup date.

Note: It's mandatory to print one copy of the consignment note, also known as waybill and two copies of the commercial invoice to hand over to courier during pickup. 

Schedule A Pick Up - pick up confirmation
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