E-commerce has been growing rapidly in recent years as more businesses move online. However, online shopping has many limitations, such as the inability to try on or test products before purchase. The brick-and-mortar store experience, on the other hand, is more immersive as it allows consumers to try, see and touch products that they are considering. This similar experience is now made possible in the metaverse, where consumers can browse and try on items in a realistic 3D environment.
What is the metaverse?
The metaverse is a virtual world that allows users to interact with digital content in a realistic way. For example, users would be able to shop in virtual stores, try on clothes, and even participate in interactive experiences with others.
There are already a few examples of businesses operating in the metaverse, and it is clear that this is just the beginning. One of the most prominent case studies is the collaboration between Nike and Roblox to create the virtual world NIKELAND.
Is Nike the global leader in the future of the metaverse
NIKELAND is a collaborative world that offers exclusive Nike products, events, and experiences. Users can compete in free sporting events and collect branded products to dress up their avatars. At its peak, over seven million users were active in this virtual world, according to Nike. Famous celebrities like LeBron James also made an appearance on the platform, socialising and playing games with the fans within NIKELAND.
This trial platform showed the world one major thing – there is an opportunity for retail commerce within the metaverse. Nike proved that they could not only sell their brand and lifestyle in the real world but on a digital platform like Roblox as well, demonstrating how the real and digital worlds can be aligned for business opportunities.
With such an incredible successful launch of NIKELAND, one can only imagine what the future of the metaverse is and the type of business opportunities available on a virtual platform. In fact, many companies are already starting to develop strategies in preparation for when the technology becomes mainstream and readily available to society.