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While the concept of efficiency and instant gratification is nothing new, it is due to technological advancements that many businesses are now greatly benefiting in this time and age, as they offer on-demand delivery services to their customers. In the paragraphs below, we further explain how on-demand delivery services have revolutionised digital shopping:

What is on-demand delivery?

On Demand Delivery (ODD) is a free and innovative service designed by us to give you more flexibility and control so that your daily life is not constrained by having to wait passively for your deliveries when you should be doing something or being somewhere else. 

As the name suggests, on-demand deliveries are sent to customers through the linking up of manufacturers, e-commerce businesses, and logistics service providers, allowing customers to not only decide where and what they want to buy, but how it should be delivered. 

On Demand Delivery Journey: 

ODD is accessible via the DHL Express Mobile app that is available on Android and iOS, but you, as a recipient, can also access the website via your web browsers from desktop or mobile. When the service becomes available in the shipping process, you will receive an SMS alert and an email notification with a link to the ODD website, from which you can choose the delivery option and make requests that suit your convenience most.

  1. We notify you by SMS and/or email

  2. You click the ODD link in the notification, which will direct you to the website

  3. Click Sign up / Login or Manage Shipment as Guest

  4. You choose your delivery option and make the request for change
    Do note that some options may not be available due to operational reasons, the shipper’s request, or when charges are owed. You can make up to 3 requests for a single shipment.

  5. We confirm your request by SMS and/or email notification

  6. We execute your request

  7. You receive the shipment the way you specified!

You can set up your preferred delivery option for all your future shipments by being a Registered Receiver!

What are the benefits of on-demand delivery services?

On-demand delivery can be an important aspect of an e-commerce business. Here are some key benefits:

Broader customer reach

The main benefit of on-demand delivery is undoubtedly the opportunity for brands to reach a much larger customer base. Compared to the traditional retail business model with brick-and-mortar stores, such a service can help local e-commerce companies reach global consumers.

Better cost savings

Another advantage worth mentioning is that the small and medium enterprises will no longer need to invest heavily in hiring more staff, nor worry about rising warehouse costs and store operations. With this on-demand delivery business model, businesses can now cut down on their operations expenditure.

Customer-centric service

Finally, an on-demand delivery service provides a community-oriented experience that allows companies to cater to their customer's preferences. In turn, consumers can change the location and time of delivery on the fly and rely on the service provider’s reliability. As a result, the increase in engagement and experience helps brands create loyal customer bases for themselves.

Customer loyalty

The key to customer loyalty lies in the personalisation of delivery options. Savvy brands who understand the importance of delivery to online businesses will use advanced logistics tools to help them deliver their products to the customers in a swift and efficient manner, thus boosting their reputation of being service oriented and reliable. This strategy is vital for industries where on-demand services are still nascent and gives early adopters an advantage in getting to the market.

Low infrastructure costs

Not only is selling your products via online platforms a lucrative one, it also requires less capital outlay. On-demand delivery eliminates or reduces the need to invest in costly physical stores as well as having to bear the burden of its daily operating costs. With such platforms, small businesses can become full-fledged e-commerce businesses, and by leveraging social media they can further boost sales through brand awareness. 

Minimal manual dependencies

One of the most critical features of on-demand delivery is speed and short turnaround time. Service providers ensure optimal timing is attained by automating manual delivery processes such as scheduling, task assignment, routing, and shipping. 

Why on-demand delivery is crucial for e-commerce businesses

Statistics show that the on-demand economy is constantly evolving and is here to stay. In this context, delivery tracking is a crucial aspect of proper business planning and logistics strategy. While it streamlines the delivery process by providing customers with live insights, it also provides logistics players with valuable operational levers for international shipping. 

To register yourself, let us walk you through it.

1. Click SIGN UP. You will be directed to enter your details and go through the signup process

2. After account is successfully created, click on ADD DELIVERY PREFENCE.

3. In the Delivery Preference setting, authorise us to deliver your shipment based on your chosen preferences. You can choose up to 3 delivery options for each individual shipment.

4. Choose your preferred Delivery option.

5. You can create more than one (1) preference in case the default is not available for certain specific shipments due to Shipper limitation.

6. In the Settings menu, click Notification preference to choose which type of notification channel you would like us to use:

There are some important notes to this:

  • If push notification and SMS are both enabled, an SMS will only be sent to you when the push notification fails to reach your device.

  • SMS and WhatsApp cannot be enabled together.

  • If you choose WhatsApp, an SMS notification will be sent to you instead when the WhatsApp message fails to reach your device.

  • If you do not choose any notification channel, we will warn you to confirm that you choose to receive no alert.