In 1995, the Philippines and Australia signed the Bilateral Investment Treaty, an agreement that aims to promote and protect bilateral trade between the two countries. The two countries are also signatories to the AANZFTA trade agreement, which upholds free trade among the signatories. Since this agreement came into effect in 2010, trade between the two countries has grown by over 125%.
Notable benefits of this agreement include the facilitation of trade, reduced tariffs, relaxed customs procedures, accommodating rules of origin, and fewer trade barriers overall. Businesses that ship from the Philippines to Australia enjoy these benefits and more.
Thinking of shipping packages from the Philippines to Australia? This article outlines the processes you will encounter.

Tips for sending packages from the Philippines to Australia
The process of shipping can be overwhelming. Successful exporters follow a set of procedures as listed:
Getting the relevant documents
In line with Australia’s customs regulations, you will need to produce the relevant documents required for the importation of products into Australia. These documents include:
Commercial invoices
Bill of lading/Air Waybill (AWB)
Customs Entry or Informal Clearance Document (ICD)
Other documents related to importation
The following information needs to be contained in all documents:
Name and address of the seller
Monetary unit
Invoice terms
Country of Origin
Before exporting products out of the Philippines, businesses are also required to enlist with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and set up an account in the Client Profile Registration System (CPRS). As such, ensure your business is registered before you begin shipping from the Philippines to Australia.
Choosing your shipping method
When it comes to shipping to Australia, air freight is the fastest way, making it ideal for commercial international shipping. If you’re seeking timely deliveries where your customers can receive their parcels the day after placing an order, shipment by air is your best bet.
Exporting to Australia
Customs procedures include cargo inspections, import declarations, and payment of applicable fees. You do not have to pay for taxes and surcharges, as well as an import declaration if your shipment contains the following:
Low-value items
Downloaded software from overseas
Personal Effects
A declaration is required if your goods are:
Over AU$1,000 in value
Prohibited or restricted
Poses a potential biosecurity risk
Dutiable goods
Although a license is not required, certain goods will need permits and other requirements to be cleared from customs, such as food safety, biosecurity, and drug control requirements. All exported goods also need to be properly labeled (e.g, goods requiring a trade description need to be marked with the country of origin and a true description of the goods).
How much will it cost to ship my parcel from the Philippines to Australia?
The cost of courier shipping services from the Philippines to Australia will vary as it depends on the size and weight of your shipment and the shipping method you choose. DHL Express offers shipping quotes after customers key in their shipment details.
Start shipping from the Philippines to Australia with DHL Express
The Australian market is huge, and the demand for goods from the Philippines is likely to keep growing. DHL Express offers time-sensitive services from the Philippines to Australia, so your customers can receive their parcels quickly. Open a DHL Express account today and enjoy benefits such as access to powerful shipping tools and preferential rates when you send your package from the Philippines to Australia.