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Customs Services

Customs Services


DHL Express is the international specialist in shipping, with extensive knowledge and experience of dealing with customs topics worldwide, beyond the Philippines. For your peace of mind, our services include a wide range of customs support for standard as well as non-routine customs-clearance processes. By making sure that clearance remains smooth and efficient, we ensure your shipments arrive as quickly as possible, and leave you free to focus on your core business. With our online tool ( as well as our intuitive MyDHL+ platform, we provide essential customs information to help you prepare your shipments.


duties and taxes paid


At the importer's request, the release of a DHL Express shipment to the customer's designated customs broker or brokerage firm of choice. We will transfer the responsibility for a shipment and related customs documentation and administration to the customer’s nominated broker for clearance and last mile delivery.

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RELEASE TO CUSTOMS BROKER At the importer's request, the release of a DHL Express shipment to the customer's designated customs broker or brokerage firm of choice. We will transfer the responsibility for a shipment and related customs documentation and administration to the customer’s nominated broker for clearance and last mile delivery.

dedicated pickup and delivery


This applies in selected countries when importing goods with an aggregated declaration value or weight exceeding the limits set by destination customs authorities, or due to other regulatory requirements that are excluded from routine clearance procedures.

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NON-ROUTINE ENTRY This applies in selected countries when importing goods with an aggregated declaration value or weight exceeding the limits set by destination customs authorities, or due to other regulatory requirements that are excluded from routine clearance procedures.

Saturday delivery


Storage charges apply when the shipment cannot be released by customs due to inaccurate or missing paperwork. Charges take effect three calendar days after the freight arrival date or broker notification, whichever is later. The charge applies to the duty and taxes payer.

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BONDED STORAGE Storage charges apply when the shipment cannot be released by customs due to inaccurate or missing paperwork. Charges take effect three calendar days after the freight arrival date or broker notification, whichever is later. The charge applies to the duty and taxes payer.

shipment insurance


A bonded shipment occurs when DHL Express is requested to move non-document foreign-origin goods to a location other than the regular DHL Express gateway at destination. Bonded Transit is normally operated within a country, such as the Philippines, or customs union, and is necessary prior to final clearance by the importer or designated broker. Bonded Transit applies to both export and import shipments whenever we are required to open, manage or report any form of transfer under bond using our own guarantee.

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BONDED TRANSIT A bonded shipment occurs when DHL Express is requested to move non-document foreign-origin goods to a location other than the regular DHL Express gateway at destination. Bonded Transit is normally operated within a country, such as the Philippines, or customs union, and is necessary prior to final clearance by the importer or designated broker. Bonded Transit applies to both export and import shipments whenever we are required to open, manage or report any form of transfer under bond using our own guarantee.

extended liability


This applies in countries where an export declaration is required for shipments containing controlled commodities or exceeding a certain value threshold or weight. Depending on the origin country, shippers that submit a declaration online may avoid the local charge.

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EXPORT DECLARATION This applies in countries where an export declaration is required for shipments containing controlled commodities or exceeding a certain value threshold or weight. Depending on the origin country, shippers that submit a declaration online may avoid the local charge.

direct signature


A service charge will be assessed for multiline item entries with more than five lines. An example would be – one shipment with multiple products or multiple invoices. All products require identification and must be classified under separate harmonized tariff numbers before customs clearance.

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MULTILINE ENTRY A service charge will be assessed for multiline item entries with more than five lines. An example would be – one shipment with multiple products or multiple invoices. All products require identification and must be classified under separate harmonized tariff numbers before customs clearance.

printed invoice


A surcharge applies for shipments being intercepted for physical examination by customs authorities. Arrangements for inspections facilitated by DHL Express services may also include full or partial unloading of a vehicle, the specific marking of prototypes, mutilation of samples or the examination of shipment content.

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PHYSICAL INTERVENTION A surcharge applies for shipments being intercepted for physical examination by customs authorities. Arrangements for inspections facilitated by DHL Express services may also include full or partial unloading of a vehicle, the specific marking of prototypes, mutilation of samples or the examination of shipment content.


Leveraging customs support services from a reliable international courier can go a long way in ensuring your shipments can undergo customs clearance efficiently, so you can worry less about delays. Get in touch with our customer service specialists in the Philippines or sign up for a business account to get started.