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How To Send a Parcel from Singapore to Brunei

How To Send A Parcel From Singapore to Brunei

Both Singapore and Brunei have strong relations. Both sides' leaders have strong personal ties, along with frequent exchanges of visits at all levels.

Furthermore, Singapore and Brunei have long-standing agreements including the Currency Interchangeability Agreement, as well as considerable cooperation in finance, defense, commerce and investment, health, tourism, education and aquaculture. In fact, both the countries are also close allies in the ASEAN and other international forums.

Therefore, if you are on your way to ship a parcel from Singapore to Brunei, read this comprehensive-yet-easy guide for a hassle-free shipping journey.

Customs rules for Brunei

Plants, plant products

  • A phytosanitary permit is needed to import any kind of plant products or plants.


  • Any kind of toy gun is prohibited for import into the country.


  • The shipper needs to first seek approval from the Ministry of Health Department to import cosmetics into Brunei.

  • Since cosmetics are subject to formal approval, the shipper must provide a complete description of items including their brand names.

  • If a complete description is not provided, the shipment will be subject to further delay and will take three working days for the Ministry of Health to approve the application.

Media storage device, films: entertainment (dvd, vhs), films: 8mm, 16mm & 35 mm, films: promotional, training (dvd, vhs)

  • A thorough and detailed declaration of these goods is required from the shipper before submitting them to the censor board. Allow at least three weeks for delivery of the declaration form.

  • If they're for commercial purposes, a manufacturer's certificate indicating that the items are genuine and that the consignee has the manufacturer's permission to sell the goods is required.

Drugs (in pharmacy without prescription)

  • The shipment will be subject to formal clearance and will require the Ministry of Health’s permission and endorsement.

  • Note that the approval from the Ministry of Health will take three working days.

  • The batch number and expiry date from the origin are also required prior to receiving approval from the Government Pharmacy.

  • Additionally, the shipper must provide a complete description of the goods, including their brand names. The shipment will be delayed if a complete description is not provided.

Drugs: prescription

  • Prescribed drugs will be subject to formal clearance and will require the Ministry of Health’s permission and endorsement.

  • Note that the approval from the Ministry of Health will take three working days.

  • Additionally, the shipper must provide a complete description of the goods, including their brand names. In case of an incomplete description, the shipment will be delayed.

  • If the prescribed drugs are for personal use, a doctor's prescription will be needed prior to the Government Pharmacy’s approval.

Foodstuffs (including grain)

  • For shipments carrying foodstuffs, they will need a formal clearance including approval and endorsement from the Food & Safety Department. Note that it will take 3 to 4 weeks to receive the approval.

  • The shipper must also offer a detailed itemized description of the products, including brand names. The shipment will be delayed if the shipper does not provide a detailed description.

  • Additionally, the shipper will also need approval from the Health Authority, which will include the following requirements:    

1. Health Certificate from the country of origin.

2. Dioxin-Free Certification if they are from Belgium

3. Japanese Encephalitis-Free Certification if they are from Japan.

4. Radioactive-Free Certification if they are from European Countries.

Personal effects

  • For shipment carrying personal effects, the shipper must provide an itemized list of goods with their accurate value for customs purposes.

Telecommunication equipment

  • For shipping used telecom equipment, a certificate from the shipper or the country of origin is needed by Brunei customs.

  • Further, an import permit is also required from the consignee, which must be approved by the JTB Brunei office.

  • For shipping new telecom equipment, an import permit approved by JTB Brunei is required for customs clearance.

Military equipment

  • To import a military epaulette/badge, approval from the MOD/Police headquarters is required along with a tender/authorisation letter to the consignee from the MOD/Police headquarters.

Textile articles

  • An approval from the Ministry of Religious Affairs is required to ship prayer mats from Singapore to Brunei. Expect a delay of 2 to 3 days.

Antiques and work of art

  • To ship Islamic/Arabic handicrafts, the shipper must obtain approval from the Ministry of Religious Affairs. This can take up to 2 to 3 days.

Radar equipment: transmitters/receivers, mobile phones, accessories & components, radios, radio equipment, or parts

  • To ship these items, the shipper must seek approval from the Telecom department. Allow a delay of a week to obtain the approval.


  • All smart and sports watches need a permit from AITI (Ministry of Comm).

Books (non-commercial use), magazines, periodicals, journals

  • These goods are subject to censorship.

X-ray machines

  • The shipper must contact the destination prior to accepting these shipments for licences or permit requirements.

List of prohibited commodities for import into Brunei

  • Alcoholic beverages

  • Ivory

  • Jewelry

  • Gambling devices (including playing cards)

  • Pornography

  • Precious metals and stones

  • E-cigarette equipment and parts


Easy tips to ship your parcel from Singapore to Brunei

The shipping procedure from Singapore to Brunei is easy to follow. What you need to do is:

1. First, create your airway bill (AWB).

2. Prepare your commercial invoice. Remember that all your WPX shipments must have an original commercial invoice, otherwise, your package could be further delayed. Additionally, the invoice must display all itemized descriptions and their accurate value.

Note: Customs workdays are from Monday to Thursday and on Saturdays. For shipping non-dutiable goods, the shipper needs to make specific arrangements, which can only be done through a pre-alert for special clearance. CIF, FOB, C&F, and other terms of trade must be stated in the invoice for customs value.

In addition to adding the correct facts to your shipment's invoice, it is also important to enter the correct size and weight of the package. For instance, when it comes to the size:

  • Maximum dimension for length is 200.0CM (79.0 IN)

  • Maximum dimension for height is 300.0 CM (118.0 IN)

  • Maximum dimension for width is 160.0 CM (63.0 IN)

Expect a delay in the case where your shipments exceed the value: 300 cm x 200 cm x 160 cm.

When it comes to specifying the weight:

  • Maximum weight per shipment is 3000.0 KG (6614.0 LB)

  • Maximum weight per piece is 1000.0 KG (2205.0 LB)

Expect a delay if your shipment exceeds 150 kgs. Note that in both cases, your shipment will transit via SAH HUB and connect to Brunei on days 1 and 5 only.

3. Once you’ve completed your paperwork correctly, start packing your shipment.

4. Finally, you can entrust your package to DHL Express. It’s an easy procedure to follow. You can plan a parcel pick-up date and time using MyDHL+, call customer support, or self-lodge it at any DHL retail location near you. Then, start tracking your order.

Advantages of using DHL Express

  • DHL has a network that spans 220 territories and countries.

  • DHL offers a wide range of worldwide door-to-door services.

  • Customers can track the status of their shipments in real-time.

  • Customers can choose when and where their packages are delivered thanks to the various delivery choices.

  • It makes shipping easier and safer with several shipping features like MyDHL+, MyBill, and ODD (On-Demand Delivery).

  • Customers can choose when they want their packages picked up.

If our guide has covered all the items you want to ship from Singapore to Brunei, start shipping now. Plus, you can also contact one of our Certified International Specialists immediately for more information.